
F.2.3. Specific Activity: RESEARCH 

In the period 2020-2023, scientific research was carried out at the Department of Civil and Industrial Safety on the assessment and forecasting of Civil Aviation impact on the environment. 

The research aimed on the development the methodology to assess technogenic factors of the aviation and their adverse consequences for environment: aviation noise (model IsoBella), local/regional/global emissions and local air quality (PolEmiCa), third-risk part (3PRisk) and electromagnetic factors impact. 

Thus, the mentioned tools provides the development of the maps for noise restriction zones, sanitary defined by electromagnetic influence, sanitary protection zone with regard to air pollution produced by aircraft engines emissions and other stationary / mobile sources and public safety zones. Developed methodology allows implementing the goals of sustainable aviation, European approaches and best practices of ICAO to reduce the aviation noise exposure and local/global emissions. These models also allow assessing aviation noise and emission indexes via implementation of promising technologies (supersonic aircraft, hybrid power plant, reduction of taxi time and auxiliary power unit operation inside the airport) to minimize the environmental impact. 

Since 2020, the complex PolEmiCa model has been included in the work group “Models and Databases” to the ISAO/CAEP committee in part of the technical and economic development of a new metric for estimating local pollution of the atmospheric air at the airport (working document CAEP/12-MDG- FESG/8-WP/03 "Comprehensive Description of the LAQ Metric Feasibility Study in CAEP/12").

The developed models are also approved by national and international project as:

A complex modeling system could be also applied for the identification of environmentally friendly and highly economical solutions for various operating scenarios, including various variant of the environmental policy in the aviation sector. 

Involvement of ESASD team in the SENECA Project (2021-2024)  - SENECA  General Assembly  at  Cranfield University, October 2023