European Union 

& Ukraine

European Union

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic alliance of 27 countries. It promotes democratic values in its member nations and is one of the world's most powerful trade blocs.

The aims of the European Union within its borders are: 

The aims of the EU within the wider world are:

Eurointergation of Ukraine

EI is the rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union both at the level of laws and customs existing in society. Its ultimate result should be accession of Ukraine to the EU

The rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union both at the level of laws and at the level of rules and customs existing in society. The course towards European integration is a natural consequence of Ukraine gaining independence. Its origins lie in the history of our people and awareness of the right to live in a democratic, economically developed, socially oriented country. Its goal is to create, through large-scale internal transformations, the conditions for joining the community of European developed countries.