Question: How many books can my child check out?

  • Kindergarten and First Grade: 1 book at a time until January. Then it is 2 books at a time.

  • Second- 6th Grade: As many books as they can be responsible for and can commit to reading within a 2 week period.

Question: What kind of books may my child select?

  • We encourage students to select books that speak to his/her own curiosities and interests. Free choice of reading materials is an integral part of our program. We encourage all children to try to select one book they can read on their own (even if they "read" using the pictures) and the others may be books that need to be read to them.

Question: How long can my child keep their books and when do they return them?

  • K-1: Books need to be returned every library class.

  • 2-6: Books need to be returned every other library class or they can be renewed if your child needs more time. Students may return books during their library class or place their books in the bin outside their classroom door.

  • If a book is not returned or renewed, the student is given a verbal warning. If the book is still not returned, the student will receive an overdue notice. If the book is overdue by 30 days or more, parents will be emailed automatically every Sunday evening and the student's library privileges will be limited. If the book is not returned or paid for by the end of the year, a bill will be sent home in the mail for payment.

Question: What if a book gets damaged or lost?

  • Please contact the library if one of our books gets damaged or needs some kind of repair. Please do not try to repair them at home. I tell the students that I am a book doctor and will ensure books are well taken care of in our book hospital at school. Lost or un-repairable books will need to be replaced, so the price of the book will be sent home. If a book is damaged by a sibling or pet, the book will need to be replaced, as well. You can send cash or check in an envelope with your child when paying for a lost book. All checks need to be made out to North Wales Elementary Library. *Refunds will only be given if the book is found in a certain amount of time.

Question: Do you have a “Celebrate with Books” program?

  • Yes! This program encourages individuals to purchase new books and then donate them to our school library in honor of someone. A book plate is placed in the front of the book indicating the individual who is being honored, and from whom the donation was made.

  • Books can be donated anytime. They make perfect holiday, birthday, or end-of-year gifts. It's a terrific way to say “thanks” to a special teacher, celebrate a child’s birthday, or remember a loved one.

  • Anyone can donate books. Purchase a new book (you can ask your child to help with the decision or look at our AMAZON WISH LIST HERE) Our only suggestion is that it be a hardcover book (with the wear-and-tear, they just last longer).

Question: Do you accept donations?

  • Absolutely! Any books that are still in good condition that you would like to donate will be either added to our library collection, given to teachers for classroom use, or added to our book exchange shelf.

Question: Are there other libraries in our area?