
The Northern Red River (NRR) ITV provides distance learning opportunities to member schools using telecommunications technology. NRRITV schools understand the importance of education as a lifelong learning experience for people of all ages. Secondary and college level courses, adult education classes, staff inservice, and meetings are available over the ITV system.

NRRITV is a consortium consisting of St. Thomas, Cavalier, North Border (at Walhalla and Pembina), Park River, Grafton, Valley-Edinburg and North Valley Career and Technology Center in northeastern North Dakota.

NRRITV Mission

NRRITV is a consortium of districts formed to provide technological service and support to its members. Member districts include Cavalier, Edinburg, Grafton, North Valley Career and Technology Center, Park River, Pembina, Walhalla, St. Thomas and Valley.

ITV allows schools districts to offer courses that previously were not offered because of low enrollments or lack of certified staff in particular curriculum areas. The network allows districts to share both student population and staff resources without transporting students or instructors.

The system allows access to staff meetings and inservice training sessions on the system. Staff members can easily meet after school without having to leave their respective buildings.

Community education can be enhanced through the system. Community members can participate in a wide variety of educational programs without traveling further than their local high school.


Enhance the curriculum offerings in member districts.

Provide staff inservice.

Provide community education and service.

Investigate new technologies for school use.

Provide student, staff and community access to technology.

Increase sharing of resources among districts.