
Hi! My name is Sam and I will help you with some things on the Chromebook. If you need more help I suggest looking at the other peoples pages.


To take a screenshot, you have to hit these buttons. Control, Alt, and the button on the top of the keyboard that looks like the picture above. Then drag your cursor and the light part of your screen is what you are screenshoting.

Blocked Websites

All blocked websites are blocked blocked for a reason. Don't try to hack them. If they are not blocked, the teachers think it is safe and relevant to school.

Home screen wallpaper

To change your wall paper you must find a picture that you like and click the button that says..."save image as"!!! Then you must go on a magical quest to your home screen. Then you magically press on your mouse with not 1, but TWO FINGERS!!! Then you press........ THE BUTTON THAT SAYS "CHANGE WALL PAPER"!!! Then you choose your............ NEW WALL PAPER!!!!! And now you are the magical person of the year. (last part not true; sorry) If you recognize this its also in Morgans web page. I helped

Google Wall Paper

I know I just talked about wall paper, but this is for the google home screen. First you do the first step of changing your normal wall paper.Then you go back to your google home screen. Then you have to hit the settings button on the bottom that looks like a gear. Then you hit either the upload an image button or the Chrome backgrounds button. Then Choose your image.

Short cuts are on the bottom.

For more information I suggest Emma G., Sienna, Morgan, Ayesha, Lily B., Hannah, Lily, Loralei and Emma S. pages for more info.