KS4 Reading Challenge

Book 2: To Kill a Mockingbird (by Harper Lee)

This novel won the Pulitzer Prize when it was first published in the United States in 1960. Despite dealing with some serious issues, it has become a classic tale which has a moral hero in the narrator's father, Atticus Finch, and is told with a real warmth and humour. It is said that the novel is based on the author's observations in her home town.

This is one of Miss Baker's all time favourite novels!

For copyright reasons, all recordings are made for purely educational purposes.

Year 9 and Year 10 students should watch the daily reading and then take the corresponding quiz to test their understanding.

Watch the 'Why Get Involved?' video below before you begin your challenge. Please note for copyright reasons, all videos and readings have been produced for purely educational purposes.

Why get involved?

Watch this short video before you begin the daily reading challenge. It will introduce you to the novel that we will be reading together and let you know how to get involved in a way that continues to help you develop as an expert reader.