Reading In School and From Home
How can I access engaging books?
Our School Library
Our library is open from 9am - 4.30pm
Our school library has thousands of engaging fiction and non-fiction titles.
Our fiction books are organised according to Key Stage but we also have specific genre sections as well as spotlighted recommended titles.
Our non fiction range supports read for study and interest by grouping titles by subject.
Mrs Buck, our superhero librarian is always on hand to offer expert advise on book selections.
Our orange labels will help you quickly identify the level of each book.
Completing Accelerated Reader Quizzes From Home
Every time we finish an Accelerated Reader book, we take a quiz. Quizzes check our progress and earn us points.
The Reading Challenge
The team at Northolt High School have been hard at work recording books that students can read along with us.
Click on the reading challenge links below to explore the books available.
National Literacy Trust and Oak Academy Library
Our KS3 student might enjoy reading a different book each week from the National Literacy Trust and Oak Academy Library.
Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.
Non Fiction Reading
You can access Issues Online here to explore non-fiction titles that may support your research and further reading in a wide range of subjects.
How can I get books on my phone or computer? - VleBooks
You all have an account set up this VleBooks where you can access thousands of books online.
We have over 300 books available for all reading ages!
Your username: Your email address.
Your password: Your network password the password you would normally use to logon to a school computer.
Click the button below to get started.
You can use the instructional video as support.
How can I listen to new books?
As students, Amazon has given you all free access to thousands of audio-books.
This is such a great tool.
You can use the instructional video as support if you would like guidance on how to access these books.
Why is reading so important?
Reading expands our minds and vocabulary. It widens our experiences and deepens our empathy.
Watch this video to see all of the ways reading can benefit you.