Parental Support

HS Level

Strategies for Supporting Learning at Home

Guidelines and strategies from our experts to help families support children of any age with remote learning.

Back-to-School Tips for Kids Who Are Struggling

How resetting expectations and planning ahead can help children with learning challenges.

How to Help Kids Who Are Too Hard on Themselves

Bolstering self-critical children who tend to talk themselves down.

Anxious Stomach Aches and Headaches

Physical symptoms are often the way children experience anxiety.

Helping Kids Get a Good Start in College

Now is no time to give up meds and “go it alone.”

How to Help Kids Talk About Learning Disabilities

Sometimes opening up about learning differently is hard, but with practice, the rewards can be huge.

How to Help Kids With Math Anxiety

Give children the tools to face math with confidence.

School Success Kit for Kids With Sensory Processing Issues

Tools and strategies to help kids stay comfortable and focused.

School Success Kit for Kids With ADHD

Helping kids manage time, stay focused and handle homework.

How to Help Kids With Working Memory Issues

Supportive strategies for student success.

Helping Kids Who Struggle With Executive Functions

Advice from learning specialists on how to build organizational skills.