Typing Club

What is Typing Club?

Typing Club is an online keyboarding program by the company EdClub which offers several units ("lesson plans") and tracks student progress throughout their years at NAMS. 

The data collected includes: accuracy, speed/words per minute (WPM), keyboard coverage, completion percentage, accuracy by finger, and more.

Emphasis is on finger placement and accuracy before speed. 

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How Does It Work?

Students are given roughly ten minutes at the start of each class to work on Typing Club. It is self paced and students can work through the lessons as they see fit. Some options are:

In sixth grade students are presented with the 100 level Typing Basics program. It is not expected that the students complete all 100 levels in sixth grade. However, if they do they are encouraged to go back and earn 5 stars and a perfect score on all levels. 

In 7th and/or 8th grade, once all of Typing Basics has been completed, the students unlock Typing Jungle which has over 400 levels. Some levels resemble Typing Basics while other levels are more gamified. 

While not required, students may practice from home. Be sure to log in using our class portal so progress is saved


Students will be given two typing tests per year. 

In 6th grade the students are graded on a score of 0-10, only on accuracy 

In 7th grade the first test is accuracy only. The second test has a separate speed component where a class norm is established for speed. Students who reach or exceed that number earn a 10/10 (100%). Those who do not reach the score receive the equal percentage. 

In 8th grade the students are graded on speed and accuracy on both typing tests 

*On speed-based typing tests the students are allowed by backspace to correct errors. On accuracy-only tests, the students may not backspace.