
Lancers are safe, responsible and respectful.

This page includes select school and district policies that are applicable to all students at North Scott Junior High.

All North Scott School District Board Policies must be followed as well. Board Policies can be found here.

Attendance Policy

Our attendance policies promote academic achievement and student responsibility, in addition to providing for the safety and protection of each individual.  Regular attendance is the surest avenue toward well-rounded development in:  academic, social, and emotional growth.

Absence Reporting

Students will do much better in all your classes if they are here every day.  The building is open for you to begin learning at 7:35 a.m. The attendance office may be reached at (563) 285-3197.  An answering machine is available on this line 24 hours a day.  If you’re sick a parent /guardian should call the school (285-3197) before 9:00 a.m. with two symptoms for absence due to illness. If you have an appointment during the day you need to bring a note from home or have  your parent call the guidance office explaining the absence.  You will be given a permission slip from the guidance office which allows you to leave the building.  If you return to the building after the appointment, go to the guidance office for a pass to return to class.  You must sign out in the main office before you leave the building.  If you are absent without a parent calling you will be counted truant and assigned a consequence, which may include making the school day up outsides of normal school hours. Students are required to make up work missed due to any absence. Should a parent/guardian fail to report an absence, we will attempt to contact the parent/guardian by phone.  In cases where telephone contact cannot be made, the student must bring a written excuse signed by at least one parent/guardian the day they return to school.

The excuse should include:

• Date(s) of absence

• Reason for the absence (If ill, include two symptoms as we are required to report this information to the State Department of Health).

• Full name of the student

• Parent/guardian signature

Approved Absences

Personal illnesses, death in the family, religious holidays, or extreme emergencies are acceptable reasons for absence.  A valid excuse, written by a parent/guardian and presented to the Associate Principal or attendance secretary upon the return to school, or a phone call from a parent/guardian on the day of absence, documenting the reason for absence, entitles the student to make up all work missed.

Examples of Excused Absences:

1. Personal illness

2. Death in the family/funeral

3. Religious holiday

4. Educational trips accompanied by parents

5. Emergency in the family

6. Approved appointments

Students who wish to participate in school-sponsored activities must attend school for at least one-half of the school day of the activity.  

Students in activities who do not attend school for at least one-half of the school day will not be allowed to participate in any practices, games, or events. Board Policy Code No. 501.9

Unexcused Absences/Truancy

Any student absent from school and/or any class without the knowledge and consent of the parent/guardian and approval of the school administration will be considered truant.  This includes leaving the building/campus without permission.  To be reinstated, a conference may be required during regular school hours among the parents and the school administration.  Students must contact teachers for make-up work missed the day following the truancy and must turn work in the following day.  Failure to do this will cause the student to receive no credit for assignments or tests.

Examples of Unexcused Absences:

School administration has the final authority to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.

Tardy to Class – A tardy is when a student isn't in the classroom they are assigned when the bell rings. Students will be given a lunch detention for every 3 tardies they receive during each 3-week Lancer Way Cycle.  This tardy policy applies for each class period the student is in the building.  

Late to School - Any student arriving after 7:50 a.m. will need to check into the Main Office. Their late-to-school will be recorded and they will be issued a pass to enter their AT classroom. 

Excessive Absences

Students and parents/guardians will be notified by the school when a student has reached 7 days of absence and 10 days of absence to school.  Students who miss in excess of 10 days of school will be notified and a meeting will be scheduled with the student, parent/guardian, and appropriate school personnel.  Any additional absences would require pre-approval by the school administration, or in the case of illness, physician’s verification would be required.  The student may be placed on an attendance contract.  Failure to follow through with these steps would result in the absence being defined as truancy.

If a student is absent 3 or more days consecutively, he/she may be required to verify absence through a physician.

All families who do not follow through with the District’s Chronic Absentee Policy are subject to attendance being sent to the County Attorney’s office or the Department of Human Services for review and/or criminal prosecution. Board Policy No. 501.3


Parents/guardians should try to arrange medical, dental, and legal appointments during non-school hours to minimize lost class time.  Excuses for appointments should be sent to the Attendance Office before the student exits the building.  A student will be issued a pass to leave and should sign out in the office before leaving; if the student returns to school from the appointment that same day, he/she should check in with the office upon return.

Extended Trips/Pre-Arranged Excused Absences

It is our policy to discourage family vacation trips except during school vacations, as students almost invariably show a decline in grades when the absence lasts beyond three days.  All work is to be made up before the trip, unless the student and teacher mutually agree on a later due date.  Where it is determined that such a trip is in the best interest of the student by the family, a written request to be absent, signed by a parent/guardian, should be presented to the Principal no fewer than ten school days prior to leaving.  Students will then be required to complete an advance make-up form and turn this in to the attendance office before approval is given. Communicate to the

administration what the child learned over the extended vacation upon return. They can do this in an essay, blog/journal, scrapbook (digital or traditional), website, video or another avenue of the student's choice

Arrangements for Make-Up Work

Students who miss school are expected to arrange for the completion of all make-up work immediately upon their return.  North Scott Jr. High School conforms to the generally accepted practice of allowing two calendar days for make-up for each school day missed.  Failure to get and complete make-up work in a timely manner may result in the loss of credit for assignments.

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Bullying or harassment of students by other students will not be tolerated in the school district. This policy is in effect while students are on school grounds, school district property or on property with the jurisdiction of the school district, while on school-owned and/or school-operated buses, vehicles or chartered buses; while attending or engaged in school activities; and while away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school district.

Harassment and bullying mean any electronic, written, verbal or physical act or conduct toward a student which is based on any actual or perceived trait or characteristic of the student and which  creates an objectively hostile school environment that meets one or more of the following conditions:

Harassment prohibited by the school district includes harassment or bullying, on the basis of actual or perceived traits or characteristics, including but not limited to age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status.  Harassment may include, but is not limited to the following: verbal, physical, electronic or written harassment or abuse; repeated remarks of a demeaning nature; implied or explicit threats concerning one’s grades, achievements, etc.; demeaning jokes, stories, or activities directed at the student.

Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s performance or creating an intimidating, offensive or hostile learning environment.  Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following: verbal or written harassment or abuse; pressure for sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications; unwelcome touching; suggesting or demanding sexual involvement, accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one’s grade, achievements, etc.

Retaliation against any person because they have filed a complaint will be subject to further disciplinary action. The Superintendent has the right to discipline students who knowingly file a false harassment complaint.

For all 4 levels of harassment policy, school personnel will:

Student intervention options may consist of any combination of the following: warning, parent conference, copy of district harassment policy, harassment information packet, guidance counselor, conflict management group, juvenile court liaison, group counseling, student assistance team, AEA staff, lunch detention, 2-hr detention, write a report on harassment, in-school suspension, out-of school suspension, expulsion.

Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy (Reference Board Policy Code 508.3)

In order to ensure a focus on learning in a safe, positive environment, the following cell phone policy will be enforced.

Student cell phones should be turned off and stored in lockers upon arrival to school. Cell phones are NOT allowed in the hallways, classrooms, locker rooms, or restrooms. This includes before and after school unless the student has been granted permission by a supervising adult.  Note that this policy also applies to any technological device being used in ways similar to that of a cell phone (ex: a smartwatch being used to call, message, game, photograph, etc.)

Cell phones with cameras and other portable Handheld Technology Devices capable of storing and/or transmitting and/or receiving images are banned from use for any purpose in locker rooms and restrooms at ALL times. Students will be disciplined for any use of Handheld Technology Devices in school locker rooms or restrooms. 

Consequences of cell phone policy violation ( A notice is sent home after each offense).

Office or classroom phones are available but usage should be limited to unexpected or emergency situations. If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian for an unexpected or emergency situation, s/he may request the usage of a classroom or office phone. Parent or guardian phone calls or messages to students shall be communicated through the office and should also be limited to unexpected or emergency situations.

Dress Code Policy

Dress Code Policy (Reference Board Policy Code 502.1)


The board believes inappropriate student appearance may cause material and substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors. 

Students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirements of a good learning environment. The standards will be those generally acceptable to the community as appropriate in a school setting. 

The board expects students to be clean and well groomed and wear clothes in good repair and appropriate for the time, place, and occasion. Clothing or other apparel promoting products illegal for use by minors and clothing or other apparel displaying obscene material, profanity, or reference to prohibited conduct and hats are disallowed. While the primary responsibility for students, personal appearance lies with the students and their parents, appearance disruptive to the educational program will not be tolerated. When, in the judgment of a principal, a student's appearance or mode of dress disrupts the educational process or constitutes a threat to health or safety, the student may be required to make modifications. 

**Administration retains the right to define the terms of good taste, common sense, and school-approved safe apparel.

Internet and Technology Policies

Internet and Technology Policies (Reference Board Policy Codes 605.3, 605.5, 605.5E1, and 605.5R1)

The use of the Internet is a privilege. Students will follow all Board Policy guidelines, including, but not limited to, those listed below.

Students must:

Supervision and Monitoring

School and network administrators and their authorized employees monitor all use of information technology resources to help ensure that uses are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the school's information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and will furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement. The North Scott Community School District will cooperate fully with local, state, and/or federal officials in any investigation into any illegal activities conducted through the service. 

Consequences for Violation

The network and technology are privileges. North Scott Community School District at any time and for any reason or for no reason may discontinue general access to the network or rescind the user’s privilege of using the network and technology. Violations of these rules may result in disciplinary action, including and not limited to, the loss of a student's privileges to use the school's information technology resources. (Code No. 605.5 – Internet – Appropriate Use). The document below outlines the progressive consequences for technology violations.

Included below are some of the Chromebook guidelines for NSJH. Please refer to the  Student 1:1 Device Handbook for more detailed information

Technology Infractions

Medication Policy

Medication Policy (Reference Board Policy Codes 507.2, 507.2R1)

Students are to bring all medications to the nurse's office immediately upon their arrival at school. Students are not to carry over-the-counter medications with them during the school day unless approved by the school nurse. Students are not to carry prescription medication with them during the school day unless ordered by the physician and cleared by the school nurse. Medication shall be administered by the school nurse, or in the nurse’s absence, by a person who has successfully completed an administration of medication course reviewed by the Board of Pharmacy Examiners.

Plagiarism and Cheating Policies

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is considered to be academic theft and will not be tolerated in any class. As students write, they should keep in mind the five basic types of plagiarism and consistently check their work to make sure they have documented the source of the ideas in their paper. Several courses include reinforcing lessons about how to avoid plagiarism. The five types of plagiarism are:

Potential classroom consequences for Plagiarism Policy violation include:

Cheating Policy

Students are responsible for completing their own work in order for teachers to appropriately assess and plan next steps in student learning. Students found guilty of cheating by receiving information will be required to complete the assignment or test independently to demonstrate their learning.  If a teacher finds that students are guilty of cheating, whether giving or receiving information, the teacher will inform administration of the incident, notify parents, and may arrange a conference to include the student, parents, teachers, counselor, and administrator. The conference will establish goals of behavior and consequences should incidents be repeated or goals not accomplished.

Safety Policies

See Something, Say Something

We must work together to keep everyone safe, and that means that if we see or hear something concerning, we ALL have a responsibility to report. Our school has a variety of methods to report potentially harmful or dangerous situations. If students are uncomfortable reporting face-to-face or via email, they are encouraged to make a report in our anonymous reporting system, P3 Campus.  It is important that any student using P3  is as specific as possible and logs back in to check for follow-up questions from the administrators and police receiving the report. P3 Campus has an app available, is available in the "Student Links" folder in each student's Chrome toolbar, and can be found online here.

Assault/Fighting/Violence/Threats of Violence in School

Emergency Safety Drills

Informed Fire and Tornado

The informed fire alarm, the intercom, and the bell system are used for emergency drills and/or when actual conditions arise.   Each area of the building has signs with proper evacuation procedures for fire (if evacuation is warranted following the Informed Fire Procedure) and the safe shelter areas to be used for tornado emergencies.


The goal of the A.L.I.C.E. program is to empower the students to become knowledgeable and capable of making good survival decisions in critical incidents. Students are trained throughout the year in survival techniques in the unlikely case of an active shooter in the building.  A.L.I.C.E stands for alert, lock-down, inform, counter, and evacuate.  By creating concepts, we create a mindset that allows individuals to think for themselves and make decisions on what is best for them, in this situation, and in this moment.  For more information about the A.L.I.C.E. program go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYn5HMMSz6Y, Google ALICE intruder, or contact the school.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Nicotine Policy (Reference Board Policy Code 502.9)

By state law no student may be on school premises possessing or using alcohol, non-prescription drugs, prescription drugs not registered with the nurse, nicotine, or products which imitate any of these.  This includes all electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).  School premises include the school bus and bus stop, school-sponsored field trip, school activities, athletic trip, or fan bus.

Dangerous Weapons Policy (Reference Board Policy Code 502.8)

Weapons and other dangerous objects and look-a-likes (including “toy” weapons) are not allowed.  These items shall be taken from the students and others who bring them onto the school district property or onto property within the jurisdiction of the school district or from students who are within the control of the school district. Parents of students found to possess weapons or dangerous objects and look-a-likes on school property shall be notified of the incident.  Confiscation of weapons or dangerous objects and look-a-likes may be reported to law enforcement officials, and students will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.

Closed Campus

Once in school, students are not permitted to leave the school building during the school day- including going to the parking lot.  Students leaving the building must have permission from the attendance secretary, nurse, or an administrator. They must sign out in the Main Office before leaving.

School Bus Discipline Policy

School Bus Discipline Procedures (Reference Board Policy Code 712.2R1)

Safety on our school buses is imperative. Bus drivers will clearly explain behavioral expectations to students on their route. In the event that a student encounters discipline difficulties on a school bus, the following procedures will be followed:  

Additional School Policies

Posters and Notices

Only authorized notices and posters are to be displayed on the bulletin boards, walls, or lockers in our building.  Please contact building administration if you desire to post a notice or poster.  

ID Cards

At the beginning of the school year each student will be issued a photo ID card.  This card must be presented when checking out library materials, purchasing breakfast and lunch, and attending all high school activities and athletic contests.  Lost ID may be replaced in the main office for a $5 fee.


Before a guest is invited to spend the day with a student at school, permission must be granted from the principal.  Permission is usually not given during the first and last weeks of school or near holiday breaks.  When students see a visitor, adult or student, we ask that they are courteous.  Visitors without name tags should be directed to the office.

All visitors to North Scott Junior High School are required to sign in with the secretary in the Principal’s Office upon arrival in the building, where they will provide their driver's license to be run through our Raptor security system.  Visitors should wear a visitor ID tag while in the building.  No visitors are allowed in the lunchroom.  Strangers who fail to identify themselves or their business at school with the office will be directed to leave the campus immediately. Loitering on school campus or in a building or near a school campus is a misdemeanor and covered by Iowa law.

Flowers and Gifts

Flowers, balloons, and gifts are welcome at North Scott Junior High School; however, as they are a distraction during the school day, students will be notified of their gift and will have the opportunity to pick it up after school in the main office. 

Telephone Use and Messages

Office or classroom phones are available but usage should be limited to unexpected or emergency situations. Student cell phones are NOT allowed in the classroom.  (See Cell Phone Policy above.) 

Cell phones with cameras and other portable Handheld Technology Devices capable of storing and/or transmitting and/or receiving images are banned from use for any purpose in locker rooms and restrooms at ALL times. Students will be disciplined for any use of Handheld Technology Devices in school locker rooms or restrooms. 


At no time are students or visitors authorized to video capture, photograph, or audio record others in the school building, on school property (to include vehicles), or at school activities (unless recording a public performance, such as a game, honor assembly, concert, contest, etc.), without the consent of a teacher, coach, or school administrator. Students violating this rule shall be subject to reasonable discipline, perhaps beyond that discipline referenced in the Consequences section of this policy, and the device shall be confiscated and not returned until a parent conference has been held.  Students violating this rule will not be allowed to possess any Handheld Technology Device following the incident on school property for a period of time permitted by a school administrator.