Athletic/Activity Information

Extra-Curricular Activities

Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities

Students who wish to participate in extracurricular school activities must conduct themselves according to the district Good Conduct Rule (included below).  We leave the balance of academic expectations and extra-curricular activities to the students and their parents. Therefore, we impose no academic eligibility for students to participate at North Scott Junior High.

Good Conduct Rule (Reference Board Policy Code 503.4)

Participation in school activities is a privilege. School activities provide the benefits of promoting additional interests and abilities in the students during their school years and for their lifetimes.  Students who participate in extracurricular activities serve as ambassadors of the school district throughout the calendar year, whether away from school or at school. Students who wish to have the privilege of participating in school extracurricular activities must conduct themselves in accordance with board policy regarding student conduct.  Students will have an opportunity to participate in a school activity unless the activity is not offered, the student cannot participate for disciplinary reasons, or it is an intramural or interscholastic athletic activity. Students will have a comparable opportunity to participate in intramural or interscholastic athletic activities and to reap the benefits of school activities. However, comparable opportunity does not guarantee boys and girls will be allowed to play on each other’s teams when there are athletic activities available that will allow both boys and girls to reap the benefit of school activities. Students who fail to abide by this policy and the administrative regulations supporting it may be subject to disciplinary measures. The principal shall keep records of violations of the good conduct rule.  Students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities that require physical exertion including, but not limited to, cheerleading and athletics, shall be required to submit an annual physical examination stating the student is able to participate. The events must be approved by the superintendent, unless they involve unusual travel and expense, in which case the board will take action. The event must not disrupt the educational program or other school district operations. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to develop rules and regulations for each school activity. Students wanting to participate in school activities must meet the requirements set by the school district for participation in the activity. Any student declared ineligible under the prior school district’s good conduct rule, and then without having completed the full period of ineligibility at that school transfers to NS High School, will not be eligible for interscholastic competition at NS High School, until the full period of ineligibility has been completed. Once that time period of ineligibility has been completed, the student is then eligible for interscholastic competition at NS High School as far as any Good Conduct Rule is concerned.


Interscholastic athletics at the JH are:  Football, Volleyball and Cross Country practice starts the first week of school.  Girls Basketball, Wrestling starts the last weeks of October; Boys Basketball and Swimming starts the first week of 3rd qtr., Boys/Girls Track starts two weeks before the first meet. ALL JUNIOR HIGH COMPETITIONS generally begin at 4:00 p.m. except 7th grade football and other intra-squad games.  


The athletic program is to provide the opportunity to learn sportsmanship, leadership, self-discipline, teamwork, and the spirit of competition.  All students that go out for athletics will participate.

North Scott activities are for all students who qualify under eligibility requirements, and who adhere to the rules set forth by the state and local officials.  We believe that participation will contribute to the following:

• Improvement of the health, fitness, and general welfare of the individuals taking part in the activities.

• Engage a maximum number of students in administrative as well as active areas of the activities.

• Stimulate all participants to achieve creditable academic progress, and to make a contribution to the general educational program of the school.

Objectives Of The Activities Program

• To provide the opportunity to enjoy one of America’s greatest traditions, the privilege of competition and participation.

• To provide a “whole school” interest in activities.

• To teach students habits of health, sanitation, and safety.

• To teach new skills and offer opportunities to improve those already possessed.

• To provide opportunities for lasting friendships to develop with teammates, participants and competitors.

• To provide opportunities to exemplify and observe good sportsmanship and teamwork.

• To give students an early understanding that participation in activities is leadership training, which is a privilege, that also carries responsibilities with it.

• To provide an opportunity for students to place group above self; to learn to practice self-discipline for the overall benefit of the team or group of which they are a member.

• To provide opportunities to learn of the benefits of following rules.

• To provide the student the opportunity to experience the satisfaction of self-sacrifice in an attempt to contribute to the development of esprit de corps, developing a feeling of unity and belonging, team pride, teamwork, and the respect for rules and authority.

• To consider interscholastic activities as extended opportunities.

GOOD ATHLETES are developed through hard work, good attitudes, good training and lots of heart and desire.  They must accept the responsibility of academics and athletics.


Every athlete MUST have a physical exam & signed concussion form on file with our school nurse.  Physicals are only good for one calendar year.

ATHLETES ARE TO FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIVES given to them by their coach, officials, and staff during practice and all competitions.  Athletes should represent North Scott’s program and team in a positive manner.


Any injury incurred during practice or a game must be relayed to your parent and coach. 

Sporting Events Guidelines

Be a Lancer fan by coming to the events and supporting your teams.  Student sections are set up for football and events in the gym.  North Scott JR. High School is always interested in improving and promoting sportsmanship at our athletic events.  With this in mind, these guidelines are to be followed:

• Students will not yell or chant derogatory or profane statements at our opponents or officials.  Show them respect at all times.

• Students who display inappropriate sportsmanship at events will be removed from that event and will not be allowed to attend any events for the remainder of that sport season and possibly for the rest of the school year.

• No seating will be permitted in the first row of the pit for spectators.  Students are to limit their movement out of the seating sections to half time and between games.

• The playing floor is reserved for the team, officials, and cheerleaders.  Students are to stay off this area during the ball game or match.  We ask that students not come down on the floor to do stunts (like forming pyramids) due to the liability factor and the chance of injury.  We are concerned about the safety of our students.

• Do not throw money or other items on the playing area that may cause injury to our players.  Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of affiliation.

• Booing is not appropriate at sporting events.

• Per conference and state guidelines, all banners and signs cannot be displayed.  Artificial noisemakers are not allowed. 

With the above guidelines in mind, all students are encouraged to attend and enjoy our athletic events.  We want our students to have a positive attitude and show their spirit, but like our participants, the spectators must stay within the boundaries and show responsible behavior.

Real Champions Practice Good Sportsmanship and Citizenship

You, as spectators, are permitted to attend extra-curricular activities only as guests of the school district.  Spectators, like the student participants, are expected to display mature behavior and sportsmanship.  The failure of spectators to do so is not only disruptive but is embarrassing to the students, the school district and the entire community.

If a spectator at an extra-curricular activity becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar or obscene language, or in any way impedes the performance of an activity, the school administration may recommend the exclusion of the spectator for the present and/or future activities.

Any student/spectator who is representing North Scott at any of our extra-curricular activities is responsible to conduct his/her actions in such a manner as to represent high ideals and principles of North Scott High School.  Students are expected to refrain from taunting, using inappropriate cheers, language or other negative and disruptive actions.

Attendance at extra-curricular events is considered a privilege.  If you choose not to follow these guidelines, you will be asked to leave the premises and will not be allowed to attend future North Scott activities.

Positive communication between supervisors, student participants, and parent/guardian play a key role in the success of our programs.  Supervisors and student participants must assume a major responsibility in keeping the lines of communication open.  Parents must encourage their sons/daughters to ask questions of their supervisors concerning any area that involves their placement on the extra-curricular team or group and their skill evaluation.  Individual meetings with student participants may be scheduled periodically throughout the year.  Supervisors must encourage their student participants to have one-on-one communication with them.  Parents must communicate with their children regarding their participation.  Supervisors and parents may meet if problems or unanswered questions persist. Board Policy No. 503.4

Activities / Athletic Specific Rules (“Mere Presence Rule”)

Educators know a great deal more about the dangers of adolescent experimentation or “dabbling” with alcohol and drugs than we did twenty-five years ago.  We know more about addiction, and we know more about the unhealthy impact on growing bodies that alcohol and drugs have, even in moderate amounts.  This country now has a serious problem with drug and alcohol use by teenagers and even younger children.

The message of approval that is “sent” when a student attends a party where drugs and alcohol are being used illegally by minors is one of approval, even if the student does not participate him/herself.  This is even true for the so-called responsible activity of declaring a “designated driver” who will abstain from use while his/her peers engage in consumption of the chemicals.

Activity participants shall not possess the following:

• Alcoholic beverages

• Marijuana

• Nicotine

• Controlled substances

EXAMPLE:  In the event the activities participant has consumed or is in possession of alcohol or drugs, he/she will be issued penalties stated below.  Possession relates to being in the presence where alcohol/drugs are found; whether consumed or not is irrelevant.

Activities participants must go to the event they are suspended from, but cannot be in uniform.  They must sit on the sidelines.



Athletes are expected to attend ALL scheduled practices unless they were absent from school that day. More than 3 unexcused absences can be grounds for removal from the team.  You must be in school at least 1/2 the day in order to participate in after-school activities.

UNIFORMS are provided by the school.   If you lose your uniform, you must pay for it. Uniforms are only to be worn at games or per coach's request.

Any DAMAGE DONE TO EQUIPMENT or facilities, at home or away, will be paid for by the athlete and possible disciplinary action will be taken.

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, MARIJUANA, TOBACCO, CHEW, and CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES are prohibited by any student on or off school grounds.  Abusive language or personal confrontations will not be tolerated.  Athletes in violation of these rules will be subject to review by the Principal or Athletic Director.

STUDENTS CONVICTED OF VIOLATIONS of the law may be excluded from interscholastic activities. Decisions will be made by the Principal or Associate Principal.