Welcome to NORT2H
NORT2H is the Northern Ohio Research and Training Technology Hub. Our mission is to help districts make informed decisions about meaningful technology integration and to provide focused professional development to support blended learning.
Endorsed and Partnering with the Following Agencies
Are you interested in learning how NORT2H can help your school create a Blended Learning environment through the meaningful integration of technology? Do your teachers need help with Online Learning? Check out the many Professional Development offerings and related services we have created and see what people are saying about their experiences with NORT2H.
True technology integration that changes teaching and learning isn't an overnight process. Our members enjoy many benefits including our regional technology database, our ability to sustain support by working with your teachers throughout the year, and the opportunity to work with and learn from the other schools in the NORT2H consortium.
Have questions about what we do? Perhaps you have a goal, but need help creating the path. From the mundane to the magnificent, NORT2H will do our best to help support your classroom, building, or district. Contact us today!