Google Classroom

During this time out of school due to the COVID-19 crisis, I will be utilizing Google Classroom to post most of my assignments and feedback. It will be my primary method of assigning course work!

Here are instructions on how to sign up for BAND in Google Classroom.

If you are using the Google Classroom App, you can simply plug in the code for your class below, and you will have access to my assignments.

If you are NOT using the google classroom app, you must use the google chrome browser. Other browsers will not work as well, or not at all. Make sure you are logged out of all other google accounts, and your child is logged in using their NNPS google account. They must include at the end of their username. Their username is generally their first.last name.

Here are the codes. Be sure to use the code for the correct class!

    • Beginner Band (6A, 6B, 7B): 4mfnzpo
    • 7th Grade Advanced Band (7A): ipoot74
    • 8th Grade Advanced Band (8A, 8B): hkcqec6

If you are having issues with Google Classroom, please email or call me! You can also send me a screen shot of what is going on, and I will try my best to take care of it. Thank you for your patience.