Over The Moon

Over The Moon Program Hours

Morning Program: 9:00am-11:30am
Afternoon Program: 12:30pm-3:00pm

Half day hours for morning program: 9:00am-10:30am
Half day hours for afternoon program: 11:00am-12:30pm

Delayed opening hours for morning program: 11:00am-12:30pm
Delayed opening hours for afternoon program: 1:30pm-3:00pm

When reporting an absence, please email the preschool secretary and copy your child's teacher.

Pick-up/Drop-off Pattern at DEO Middle School

About the Program

 The New Milford School District is excited to once again offer opportunities for the youngest members of our community to participate in a rich, child-centered learning environment that fosters academic and social growth for all learners.  We invite parents of preschool-aged children to apply for a spot in our Over the Moon Integrated Preschool classes.

The Over the Moon Program is a way to serve all learners in an inclusive environment.  Inclusive programs celebrate children’s similarities as well as their different abilities and cultures. Long-term studies of inclusive opportunities have shown to have benefits for both typical and neurodiverse learners.  We are excited that Over the Moon will be offered at David E Owens Middle School and Berkley Elementary School in September 2024. All Over the Moon classes are half-day with morning and afternoon sessions offered (AM: 9:00-11:30 and PM: 12:30-3:00). Classes are chosen through a lottery system. Children will be assigned to both a time spot and location through this lottery. Children who are not chosen through the lottery will be placed on a waitlist and will be contacted if a spot becomes available. 

Parents wishing to apply for a spot in the program need to submit the application and a $50 non-refundable deposit by February 1, 2024.  

When submitting your application, please keep in mind the following guidelines.

Meet the Staff

Mrs. Sharret, classroom teacher

Ms. Sharret has three children of her own and has always wanted to work with young children. She has over ten years of teaching experience and her background is in general and special education, specifically in the developmental delay of early learners. 

Ms. Young, classroom teacher

Ms. Young is our resident sporty teacher, who can be found on the curling ice when she is not in the classroom.  Her teaching journey started in rural Japan before she moved to the US and made her way to New Milford.  She loves read alouds, music, teacher letters, and is really excited about spending time outside as the weather warms up, and about a unit on insects that is coming up this year!