Here are a series of activities with links to instructional videos from The PE specialist.


If you have any of the equipment below (frisbee, ball, jump rope, balloon etc), you can practice reviewing or working on any of the skills that we’ve learned in PE class this year.

DIY Equipment – for PE Activities

May 21st, Message from Ms. Dolomount:

Hello to everyone,

It seems as if our weather is finally on the upswing and spring has sprung. As a result, rather than attaching links to view and participate in , I am sending along some ideas for outside PE for nice days. Ideally I would love for all students to play outside and engage in these activities or others of your choice for at least 30-60 minutes per day. If you are outdoors for longer than that, then that is amazing!!

Some ideas for play that will cover some of our PE outcomes are:

- Hopscotch (draw on the pavement with sidewalk chaulk). . We have done this on station days.

- Short and long rope skipping

- Playing catch with people in your bubble with any kind of ball or object.

- Playing frisbee.

- Having a scavenger hunt or nature walk (I have attached a sheet for this)

- Blowing bubbles and trying to catch them.

- Going for a jog, walk, or a bike ride.

- Playing a basketball shooting game or a soccer shooting game.

- Hitting a soft ball or pair of socks with a bat or stick and running bases

- Playing catch with scoops and balls or playing with a badminton set.

- Playing a game of hide and seek with people in your bubble

- Setting up a fitness circuit where you do one minute at each station. Stations can include pushups, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, situps or crunches, tuck jumps, star jumps, running small distances, skipping, hopping on one foot, burpees, or anything else you can think of .

- Playing tag with people in your bubble.(you all know many types of tag games)

- Playing Uncle Sam with people in your bubble.

- With a towel, play limbo or tug of war.

- Have a hula hoop competition and see how long you can keep hula hooping. Count and see who can keep it going the longest.

- Have a shoe kicking contest. Loosely place one shoe on your foot. Kick it as far as you can.

Have some races. Some ideas are :

- Sack race with an old pillowcase

- Carry a golf ball or egg on a spoon

- Have a 3 legged race by tying inside legs together with a scarf

-Running, skipping, galloping, hopping races.

These are just some ideas. You may not have some of this equipment. Use what you have and have fun enjoying the fresh air.

If you would like to send me a message or some photos of yourself, please email me. I would love to hear from you as I miss you all so much.

Take Care and Stay Safe,

Ms Dolomount

Below is a message from Ms Dolomount:

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are doing well and staying safe. Happy Easter to you all. I miss you and look forward to getting back to playing all of our fun gym games!!

Until then, I have an idea for you all, especially those children in grade K-3. You can be the gym leaders in your houses ! When we are in the gym, we start each class with students leading our warm up and doing 3 exercises each in the middle. So while we are all off and safe at home, you can begin each day leading the other people in your family with a warm up and do some exercises similar to the ones we use in the gym.

Some examples are : (and don't forget you can also make up your own)

- bucket kick

- crab walk

- squats and lunges

- jumping jacks

- running on the spot

- butterfly

- rainbow

- speed boat

- tree stand

- airplane stand

- pushups and situps

- pizza slice

After that you can then do our follow the leader game, remember NO running or jogging allowed. Put on some music, make a line and take turns being the leader and moving around the house. You can think of the different ways that animals move (bear walk, bunny hops, puppy crawls, along with slow skipping, galloping, side shuffling etc.. On nice days you can do this outdoors