tHE Solution


Phytofiltration by aquatic moss is a method where moss takes arsenic, lead, and other various heavy metals from the waste and bonds it to its tissues. The metals are then filtered through the moss and out of the water, you are then left with clean, potable water. Warnstorfia Fluitans is an aquatic moss that is very proficient at filtering arsenic. Studies have shown that this moss can absorb 82% of the arsenic in the water in less than an hour. Of the arsenic taken up, over 90% was firmly bound to the moss tissue. The moss can absorb the arsenic and can take it out of the contaminated water without displaying any toxic effects of the metalloid. Funaria Hygrometrica is a similar moss, but absorbs small amounts of other heavy metals and mainly lead at 74% of the mosses weight.

What We Are Going To Do With this Moss

We plan to place these aquatic mosses at the bottom of the basin, which will cleanse any heavy metals or toxins that flow through them, making the water safe and potable for human and wildlife consumption. Planting these mosses on a large scale across the river basin will allow for wider access of clean water across the four countries within the basin. This will allow for things like agriculture and basic drinking water to be safer. If the moss grows in excess, it can be used and possibly farmed (if clean) to feed cattle and other livestock.