Allergy Information - Des allergies

Allergy Information

We'd like to remind families that we have the following known allergies in our school. Please refrain from sending products containing these allergens into the school. Products that may contain these allergens are safe to send. If you are aware of other allergies that we should make note of, please contact the school. 

*** Please note that peanut replacement products, such as Soy Butter products, are also prohibited from being sent to school. We recognize that these products present no risk of anaphylactic allergy; however, having these products in our schools does undermine our capacity to enforce our restriction of peanut butter. Supervising teachers would not be able to distinguish between the two products; therefore, both products (peanut and peanut replacement products) will be restricted in a school where a student has a peanut allergy.

We are also a scent-aware school and ask that only scent-free products be used within our building.