
Parent Checklist 23/24--Please return in either format (print or digital)!

As your student prepares for "life after high school" it is important that they acquire legal documents needed to be employed.  

Help your student LOCATE these documents.

Return to Transition Staff

Parent Checklist 21_22.pdf

Field Trip Permission Slip Form--PLEASE RETURN!

We may be able to take 10th-12th+ students with IEPs on industry tours and college/vocational training field trips this school year.  In order for your student to attend, we need a SIGNED Permission Slip returned to us well in advance of the trip.  

Save time, turn it in now, and it's good for all trips this year.


Field Trip Parent Permission Revised Form 2023-24 (1).pdf

DOR--Department of Rehabilitation Student Services

Who? For students interested in working and/or employment preparation.

What? This program requires a brief 2 page application as well as the student's Social Security Number (never submitted electronically)!

When? Eligible to students with IEPs 16 and up.

How?  Inquire with staff to learn more about it or to receive an application

2-pg application is below 

DOR PE Flyer_TPP Parent Letter 21_22.pdf
DR203 Student Services Request Master Fillable.pdf
NJUHSD DR260 Consent to Release and Obtain Information 1.23.23.pdf