Software Resources

In preparation for upcoming EOVSA and GX Simulator Modeling Camp, here are the instructions for installing the latest version of the SSW IDL GSFIT and GX_SIMULATOR packages, which are needed for running the tutorials, or for working on the events of your choice during the hands-on sessions.

Installation guide of GSFIT and GX_SIMULATOR

These instructions assume that you already have IDL and SSW installed on your personal laptops. Any prior installation of the GSFIT or GX_SIMULATOR packages will be replaced during this process.

  1. If not already installed on your system, download and install git for command line

  2. Launch the Git Bash terminal

  3. CD to your SSW/packages/ folder. (On Windows platform, this is usually “c:\ssw\packages” )

  4. Issue the following sequence of commands to clone/install the GSFIT and GX_SIMULATOR packages as local git repositories located in your /ssw/packages tree (Warning: the order of operations is important!)

rm -rf gsfit

git clone gsfit

rm -rf gx_simulator

git clone gx_simulator

cd gx_simulator

git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

  1. Depending on your OS, edit the appropriate SSWIDL startup script to add gsfit and gx_simulator to the existing SSW_INSTR list.

If everything works as expected, the above actions should create (or update) the ssw/packages/gsfit and /ssw/packages/gx_simulator installation folders and you should be able to launch the GSFIT and GX_SIMULATOR GUIs issuing the IDL command lines

IDL>gsfit and, respectively, IDL>gx

Additional References:


GSFIT tutorial (please ignore the outdated installation instructions):

GSFIT Help - EOVSA Wiki (

Recently posted ArXiv manuscript:

Data-Constrained Solar Modeling with GX Simulator

Installation guide of suncasa

See suncasa README file on GitHub for details.