TEaching & aDMIN WORK

[Links useful for the students]

  1. Free online symbolic calculations - https://www.wolframalpha.com/

  2. Free online graphing calculator: https://www.desmos.com/

  3. Free online latex symbol editor: https://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php

  4. Free online electronic material database: http://www.matprop.ru/

  5. Free online conversion tool: https://www.online-convert.com/

  6. Free online latex: http://overleaf.com/

  7. Free online pdf editor: https://www.ilovepdf.com/

  8. Free online python based RF tool - https://scikit-rf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

  9. For grammar correction - https://www.grammarly.com

  10. For plagiarism detection - http://turnitin.com/

  11. For paraphrasing tool - https://quillbot.com/

  12. Free offline latex download- https://www.tug.org/protext/

  13. Use google sheet, doc, slides, Collaboratory for collaborative work on writeup and coding

  14. Visualization of Electronic and STructural Analysis or VESTA (link) is a highly recommended free tool for studying, analyzing, and visualizing the following structures -https://jp-minerals.org/vesta/en/

[COURSE TAUGHT @ NIT meghalaya]

  1. Basic Electronics

  2. Electronic Device

  3. Device Fabrication & Characterization Technology

  4. Analog VLSI System Design

  5. Mixed Signal Design

[ADMIN WORK @ NIT meghalaya]

1 Convener of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Club of NIT Meghalaya - Oct 2020 - Till date

2 Coding Club (Faculty In-charge) - Dec 2018 – Till date

3 Member of the Central Instruments Facility (CIF) of NIT Meghalaya. - Feb 2021 – continue

4 Institute timetable committee. - July 2019 – continue

5 Faculty Advisor of Batch 2018 - July 2018-continue

6 Member of Internal Quality Assessment Committee (IQAC) - Sep 2019- till date

7 Member of Curriculum and Accreditation Committee - July 2019- till date

8 Member of Outcome Based Education (OBE) Steering Committee - Dec 2018- till date

9 Departmental Accreditation and Ranking Committee -Jan 2018- till date

10 Member of Technical Committee of SAC - Sept 2018- till date

11 Member of Institute Start-Up Committee under TEQIP-III - Sept 2018- till date

12 Warden of Lapalang -1 Boys Hostel - Jun 2018-Jun 2021 (completed)

13 Faculty In-charge of Departmental Stationary - Jul 2018 - continue

14 Departmental routine committee - July 2019 – continue

15 Lab in charge of Basic Electronics Lab - August 2020 – continue