
Daily Summary of e-STC on “Advances in High Energy Physics” 18/09/2020 to 22/09/2020

Day 1


The e-course was inaugurated by Dr. L. K. Awasthi, Director, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. He encouraged the participants and the organizers for attending and conducting the workshop. The participants were welcomed by Dr. Harleen Dahiya, Head, Department of Physics. The Keynote speaker Padam Shri Prof. Rohini Godbole also enlightened the participants by her motivational words. Dr. Arvind and Dr Suneel were also present to co-ordinate the session. The total number of registered participants is 1410.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4y2swAG63s

Session 1

Prof.Rohini Godbole (IISc) discussed in her lecture the significance of the 2013 and 2015 Nobel Prizes in Physics. She introduced the ingredients of the Standard Model, frameworks of QFT, and emphasized that QED is one of the most accurate physical theories constructed thus far. She briefly discussed the Neutrino oscillation and highlighted that the basic features of the three fundamental interactions has a bearing on issues cosmological.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4y2swAG63s

Session 2

Prof.Sudhir Vempati (IISc) recapitulated the Standard Model, briefed the fundamentals of QFT, and also revealed the terms in the Lagrangian density of QED during his lecture. He talked about the connection between Conservation laws and Symmetries of the system. A key highlight of his talk was A Broken Symmetry leading to massive force carriers W, Z bosons, and masses to quarks and leptons. He briefly introduced the Renormalization and its consequences. He concluded with the emphasization of various tests for the Standard Model.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A6CS35JSQw

Day 2

Session 3

Prof.Kajari Mazumdar (TIFR) lectured on Experimental Techniques For Particle Physics. She briefly talked about various achievements & discoveries that happened in the last century, and she underlined the fact that about 30% of all Nobel Prizes were awarded directly to the field of HEP. She explained the various particle interactions with its properties, briefed 2-body decay (pi decay). And also discussed the Saga of LHC and motivated us why do we've to do particle physics. She explained in detail about particle discoveries in Hadron Collisions, Different interactions with matter (coulomb scattering, Bremsstrahlung, and on), and the Bethe-Bloch formula. She described briefly about all detectors & triggers in the CMS (at LHC, CERN) and the Complexity of data handling and analysis. "To answer the BIG questions, we need to study particle interactions at the highest energies quite often -- technology drives the progress in achievable ever-higher energy in the laboratory and the methodology to meet our goals" was her main take-home message.

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTAKSzP7JYo

Session 4

Prof.Subhendra Mohanty (PRL) lectured on Various Experiments In Astroparticle Physics. He discussed the importance of 21-cm Hydrogen Line observation in Astroparticle Physics and Measurement of the velocity of stars & gases in the galaxy from Doppler shift. Prof conveyed that the flat rotation curve of galaxies implies that the mass continues to increase linearly with radius, and it presents strong evidence for dark matter, with the emphasization of the 21-cm observations that can test the Dark Matter model. He explained in detail about the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background, CMB Anisotropy, and spectrum measured by COBE(1992), WMAP(2003) & Plank(2013). He addressed the Weakly Interacting Neutral Particles (WIMPs), other candidates for non-baryonic dark matter, and the Experimental mechanism of IceCube Neutrino Observatory. He concluded with the discussion of The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02).

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KLo0LTEJKg

Day 3

Session 5

Prof. Suchandra Dutta (SINP, Kolkata) lectured on Modern Tracking Detectors In Experimental High Energy Physics and introduced the tracking of various elementary particles. She highlighted the importance of silicon detectors and illustrated in detail their working principle, characteristics, and radiation damages. She showed different Tracking detector's design considerations. Prof described the challenge at LHC and Requirement to face the challenge. She concluded with the explanation of various Tracking-Detectors in LHC Experiments (CMS and ATLAS).

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWxEgV_8VoY

Session 6

Prof.Satyaki Bhattacharya (SINP, Kolkata) lectured on Calorimeters In Experimental High Energy Physics. The lecture started with an introduction to calorimetry and briefing of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. The professor explained various factors like the Reaction rate, Cross-section, and Vertex factors of the High Energy Electrons and High Energy Photons. He explained in detail about the Electromagnetic shower, CMS ECAL resolution, ATLAS Lar resolution, Hadron calorimetry and HCAL calibration. He concluded with the emphasis of the various Experimental development towards the final observation of Higgs Boson in LHC.

YouTube: : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jPz0ux5C84

Day 4

Session 7

Prof.Alam Jan-e (VECC Kolkata) lectured on Physics Of QCD Phase Diagrams/Transport Properties In Heavy-Ion Collisions. The lecture started with the introduction of the Universe's Evolutions, the Internal Structure of the Proton, and Nuclear Matter under Extreme Temperatures & Densities. He briefed the Mathematics of Chiral Symmetry and the Formation of Quark–gluon plasma. He discussed the nature of the Quark-Hadron transition, the Evolution of Heavy Quarks in QGP, Effects of critical points, Propagation of sound waves in QGP, and also about the Strangeness Enhancement. He concluded with the explanation of various challenges such as the effects of the EM field on the evolution of QGP, and the need for a Single theory to tackle initial conditions, evolution of the partonic system, and hadronization.

YouTube: :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjRmJE_LbVE

Session 8

Prof.Raghunath Sahoo (IIT Indore) lectured on The Quark-Gluon Plasma: The Primordial Matter. The lecture started with the Exploration of the Subatomic Universe and emphasized the importance of Why do we've to do Fundamental Physics. He gave a brief Introduction to Relativistic Nuclear Collisions and ALICE (A dedicated Experiment for Quark-Gluon Plasma) at CERN. He discussed in detail about Characterizing QGP in particular about Particle Multiplicity, Measurement of the Energy Density, Azimuthal Anisotropy, Jet Quenching, and Strangeness Enhancement. He concluded with an overview of various Next-Generation Colliders and with a highlighted message that "Precision Science & Technology is the cell for next-generation and Stay tuned for excitement in high energy physics."

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdasuib4rJw

Day 5

Session 9

Prof.Shashi Kumar Dhiman (HPU Shimla) lectured on the Physics Of Neutron Stars. The lecture started with the emphasis of Nobel laureate Chandrasekhar's work in Astronomy. He delivered several Historical Facts about Neutron Stars and The Life Cycle of Star. He presented detailed remarks about Nuclear & Astrophysical Constraints and the Structure of Neutron Stars. Prof briefly explained the Dense Nuclear Matter Equation of State, Various structural properties of Neutron Stars. He concluded with the outlook of How different fields such as Astrophysics, General Relativity, Nuclear Physics, and Particle Condensed Matter Physics are used for studying Neutron Stars.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3D5csSraLc

Session 10

Prof.Harvinder Kaur Jassal (IISER Mohali) expounded on Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Mysteries of the Universe. The lecture started with the most intriguing question: why is the night sky dark? (Olber's paradox). She explained how we are using the Type Ia Supernova and Redshift of the Celestial bodies for our Cosmological Observations. She briefed the Hubble's Law and Illustrated the difference among the Positive, Negative, and Flat Curvature Geometry of Space-Time. Prof described different candidates for Dark Matter and Various Models of Dark Energy. She gave an overview of various Large Surveys such as SUBARU collaboration, HOLiCOW, Pantheon, TMT, and SKA for understanding Dark Matter and Dark Energy. She concluded with Several Goals for Sciences that we need to accomplish.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aoEfPRY_io

Story by Hariprashad Ravikumar