Department of Physics

The Department of Physics started in 1989 at the erstwhile REC, Jalandhar. Originally oriented towards teaching undergraduate (B.Tech.) students, the department has come a long way since – today the department in addition runs M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs.

The department strives to emerge as a premier centre of Physics education and research across the country. Our research is organized within the general areas of Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics and Plasma Physics. We have an even split of theoreticians and experimentalists, with experimental research in Radiation Physics, Thin Films, Liquid Crystals and theoretical research in Laser-Plasma Interactions, High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Nuclear Physics.

The Department of Physics NIT- Jalandhar is one of the sixteen Departments of the Institute. Within a span of thirteen years of commencement of post graduate classes and doctoral programs, the department has achieved results which reflect upon the growth pattern of the department. The vision of department is to build a rich intellectual potential embedded with inter-disciplinary knowledge, human values and professional ethics among the youth, aspirant of becoming scientists, engineers and technologists, so that they contribute to society and create a niche for a successful career.

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