BoD Contact

Parent Communication with the Center

It is important that parents and staff work cooperatively and communicate freely with one another. Many things can influence a child’s emotional state when he/she arrives at school. It is often helpful for us to understand the reason for your child's excitement or upset so that we can better respond to his/her needs. Written notes work well in communicating this type of information. If the staff isn’t available when you call, your message will be given to the teacher who will return your call as soon as possible.

Electronic mail (e-mail) distribution lists are established at the beginning of each school year, and maintained throughout the year with changes to parent’s contact information. The Center maintains an e-mail list for all parents to communicate between the BoD and CCA members. The Director also sends communications on an as-needed basis through the Life Cubby applications. Daily communications between staff and parents are done through Life Cubby. As always, face-to-face communication with staff members is one of the most effective channels of communication.

The Association's Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is an elected body of volunteers, serving 2-year terms. The membership consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Personnel Chair, Fundraising Chair, and three at-large members. The current Board membership is listed below. Should there be a concern by an Association member believed to warrant the Board’s attention, please raise it to any Board member. Board meetings are held once a month and all CCA members are welcome to attend. The date and location of each Board meeting will be included in the Center’s monthly newsletter.

2021-2022 NIST CCC Board of Directors

BOD CCC FY22.docx.pdf