Physics of Quantum Matter School 2023

Quantum condensed matter physics explores the collective behaviour of many interacting quantum degrees of freedom. Challenging questions of characterisation of their emergent physics, dynamics, thermodynamics and experimental realisations have engaged physicists, engineers, material scientists, mathematicians and computer scientists. 

The "Physics of Quantum Matter School" is aimed at PhD students in their first 2-3 years and will cover the basic notions of quantum condensed matter physics. The two-week school brings together an excellent group of lecturers to engage with the students and train the next generation of researchers. The school will be organised at the National Institute for Science Education and Research (NISER) in Bhubaneshwar in the last two weeks of May.

The school is made possible by funding from the Department of Atomic Energy and IHUB Quantum Technology Foundation. We are thankful to NISER for their logistic and administrative support.