SLT Members

The SLT is our Senior Leadership Team. They guide us whenever we have questions and discipline us to teach us the right thing. They are our parents when it comes to school and will go through any obstacle to help us strive in school.

Dr. Jay B. Teston


Dr. Jay is our school's principal, and he is really helpful since he assists and guides all kids, regardless of whether they are new to the school or not. He is in charge of the entire school and all of the events that take place there. Every day, he greets everyone who walks into the school.

Ms. Debra Willacey

Head of Secondary

Ms. Debra is the head of the secondary students and whenever help is needed she provides it. She cares about each and every single individual and wants them all to succeed in their career choices, no matter what that choice is. Ms. Debra also has a class for students who are struggling in math and pushes them to get better with even further and deeper explanations if the student doesn't understand the first time around.

Mr. Jason Sanservino

Asst.Head of Secondary

Mr. Jason is our assistant head of secondary. He is the person anyone goes to when in need of help on disciplinary matters. He is fair and gives second chances when he sees fit. Mr. Jason is our disciplinarian and is tenacious. He acts as our teacher on real life matters as well as someone you can go to when you're in need of a helping hand.

Ms. Althea Edmondson

Head of Elementary

Ms. Althea head's the Elementary department at NIS. She is extremely kind and is fair when it comes to handling situations. Ms. Althea is there for anyone in primary and always welcomes you with a warm smile.