Global Connections

Check out Google Earth's

Summer Learning will take you through many countries and continents, stopping weekly to learn more deeply about one location.

The "Global Connections" section is designed to show you that there are many similarities across the world even though location, climate, history, and culture may be very different.


Spend some time looking at the following articles, websites, infographics, and videos to learn more about the India and all it has to offer.

Discuss & Reflect

Now that you have spent some time exploring and learning more about Central Asia, it's time to talk about the things that you found interesting, questioned, or want to know more about. Begin by discussing your learning with someone else. It's always helpful to get another person's perspective! THEN, choose one (or more) of the reflection activities to show what you have learned.

CENTRAL ASIA ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Central Asia is full of diverse geography, architecture, people, and cultures. What unique characteristics and influences of Central Asia do you see in America today?

Talk with a friend or family member.

Click on the "Let's Get Talking" questions for a larger document.

Think about your conversations then click on the images to the right to create one or more products that show your learning.

Try it Out!

Check out these additional Central Asian Cuisines!

Healthy Living & Wellness

From extreme sports like mountain climbing to mind and body disciplines like yoga, there are many ways to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle.