
What are We Learning About?

Reading: In reading this month we will be focusing on our sight words and getting to know the characters in our books. We will learn what our characters are thinking, what they are doing and how they are feeling.

Writing: We will be finishing up learning about writing nonfiction chapter books. Mirror, mirror, on the wall; Who is a poet among us all? We will be starting poetry, using familiar rhymes and poems to help learn repetition, rhyme, line breaks, and sensory details.

Math: We are working through Module 7 - building mental addition strategy competency (make-ten, doubles, counting on, properties) and introducing visual fractions of one-half and one-fourth. We will also begin Module 8 - building subtraction strategy competency and identifying time on the half-hour with both digital and analog clocks. *

Science: This month the students will be learning about weather, weather tools, and charting weather patterns.


January homework will be emailed home to you.

Important Dates

Return to School: Wednesday, January 6th

No School: Monday, January 18th