Genius Hour

Option: Make a copy of this slide deck for note taking.

Example of a teacher's Genius Hour process.

If you chose not to do the Project-Product-Present component, you can fill out the Feedback Form now.  Otherwise, wait to complete it until you have finished your Passion Project.

What would you like to know more about in terms of gifted learners?  What bothers you about public education?  Use these two questions to complete your passion bracket to determine your Genius Hour focus.  Another thing to consider are your T-TESS  goals.  How can you design your Genius Hour project to support your goals for 2018-19?

When you know your topic, share it here.  This will help me direct you to some resources.

Now that you have your topic, take some time to do some planning.  This form is taken from Andi McNair's book, The Genius Hour, and can be used with your students to help them organize their thoughts.  This is a critical stage in implementing Genius Hour.

These are 3 big questions to help guide your planning:

Today's pitch will look different than when your students do their pitch.  For our purposes, you'll get in small groups (4 to 6 people) and pitch your idea using your planning guide.   For Pitch Day in your class, have your students use this form.  After your pitch, add any feedback you get to your planning form.

Pitch is a great place to teach students how to give positive feedback.

Getting started! What do you need in order to move forward with your learning?  What will you create?

What did you create?  What can you show us to demonstrate your learning?   Consider adding a tab to your ePortfolio to share your learning.  Be sure to include the entire process, from pitch to present.

Now that you've created something, it's time to present.   There are two parts to this final phase; you'll use Flipgrid for both.  Password is NISD2018

Part 1: You have up to 5 minutes to share your learning using this link. In your presentation, include these points:

Part 2: You have up to 2 minutes to reflect on your learning.  Use this Flipgrid link to respond.  Here are some things to consider:

Take some time to look at some of your colleagues' presentations and comment on their learning.


Wondering where to start looking for information?  Here are a couple of places to get you started: