
What is Self-Care?

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it’s a simple concept in theory, it’s something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety. It’s also key to a good relationship with oneself and others.

Self-Care Starter Kit.pdf

Do A Screen Detox

We are all guilty of being on our phones or any other screen WAY more often than we should. I encourage you to put down the screen, be present with those around you, live life how it was meant to be lived.

< < < Click here to watch the video of the spoken poem titled "Look Up."

Self-Care Tips To Help Reduce Stress

  • Prioritize getting more sleep.

  • Eat food that makes you feel good.

  • Indulge in a “guilty” pleasure.

  • Exercise in a fun or calming way.

  • Take a bath.

  • Have a deep conversation with a supportive loved one.

  • Write about your thoughts / feelings in a journal.

  • Sit in silence and focus on your breathing from your core.

  • Create a relaxation playlist

  • Close your eyes and rest for five minutes.

  • Get a massage.

  • Take a walk in nature.

  • Plan an evening of rest: no to-do’s or rushing around.

  • Find something to be thankful for in the moment.

  • Stretch or practice yoga.

  • Watch your favorite movie (and turn off your distracting devices and social media).

  • Sit in the sun and focus on how your body feels.

  • Spend time with your pets or with shelter animals who need love.

  • Read inspirational quotes or listen to inspirational stories and speeches.

  • Hug someone or something special to you.

  • Sleep in, and feel good about it.

  • Write a list of 10 things you love about yourself.

  • Take a drive to a beautiful place.

  • Listen to a TED talk.

  • Declutter your living space.

  • Check in with yourself. Ask yourself: “What do I need today?” Then, go do that thing!

  • Bake your favorite treats for no reason other than the fact that you want to.

  • Watch or read something that makes you laugh.

  • Write yourself a love letter.

  • Sketch, paint, or color.

  • Plant flowers, plants, or vegetables.

  • Write a letter forgiving yourself for something you’ve been upset about.

  • Stargaze.