User Guidelines & Tutorials

You can now create and fulfill orders directly on the Website Admin Page through our Full Integration Feature! In this section you'll learn how to:

Create Ninja Van Order > Fulfill Order > Generate AWB

  1. OnPay Dashboard > Jualan

  2. Jualan > Senarai Jualan yang telah disahkan

  3. Button for Ninja Van will appeared on the orders status

4. Click Ninja Van Button

5. Fill in order's shipping details

6. Click "Buat Tempahan"

7. Popup of OnPay's Airwaybill generated automatically

8. Click "Muat Turun"

9. Proceed for printing into your desired printer.

Print Waybills (Bulk Print) - Temporary Resolution

1. Login to your Ninja Van Dashboard

2. Go to Parcel Review

3. Click on "Pending Pickup"

4. Filter the date you have created the order to print awb

5. Select the orders by clicking the box

6. Click "Print Airway Bills"

7. Choose your desire print layout

You are now ready to start shipping with Ninja Van!