National Pharmacy Clinical Trials Advisory Group

The National Pharmacy Clinical Trials Advisory Group (NPCTAG), originally a subgroup of the National Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance Committee, was established in its current form in 2010. The group's objectives are to provide advice to NHS pharmacy services, to the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network, to support education & training of pharmacy staff, and to provide a forum for communication with MHRA about clinical trial issues. The terms of reference for NPCTAG can be found here.

Membership is drawn from NHS Trusts Pharmacy departments, NHS Production committee, UK Radiopharmacy Group, NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre, UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Community Pharmacy and Clinical Trial Units.

Joint Chairs: Wendy Spicer and Sarah Pacey

Joint Secretaries: Mandy Wan

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Minutes (members only)
