Members Area

This section of the website is for members of the Research and Pharmacy Members Area only

Being a member of our communities of practice with their associated discussion forums provides access to additional content and shared resources. If you would like access to the members area but don't want to receive emails from the discussion forums, please let us know on the join form. 

Membership to the Research and Pharmacy people network is open to any Research practitioner from the pharmacy workforce engaged with research in a setting delivering NHS services.

NIHR Hub accounts

If your nominated email address is not an hub account, you will be unable to access or view the discussion forums via the website. However feeds from the discussion forums will appear in your nominated email inbox so you can still take part in the conversations.

Pharmacy Site Shared Documents

Members can access a suite of shared documents. 

R&P Investigational Medicinal Products (IMP) forum

This forum is open to anyone involved with managing clinical trial medicines in an NHS setting utilising pharmacy involvement.  

LPMS Discussion Forum

This group is a discussion forum for EDGE/Local Portfolio Management System users to support each other and to share best practices. This forum is open to any NHS Local Portfolio Management System (LPMS) user, and has arisen out of interest from our community. Please note, the conversation is predominantly about EDGE. If users of other LPMSs (e.g. ReDA) would like to host a forum on these pages, you are welcome to.