About us

The Research and Pharmacy Network brings together NHS health professionals from across the UK that are interested in research which is either conducted in or supported/delivered through a pharmacy setting.

Our members area creates a culture of collaboration and peer support, sharing of good practice, and experience. We look to identify, contribute and lead initiatives that will improve, promote and grow the pharmacy research landscape. Our aim is to provide an opportunity to learn from each other instead of constantly reinventing the wheel.

A diverse membership is encouraged as are the active contributions of members to projects and initiatives so that the work of the community is widely applicable.

The Research and Pharmacy People Network with its associated discussion forums are supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) in partnership with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (R.P.S.)

Contact Us

Talk to us about your forum membership, the pharmacy strategy, and how you can get involved with our work.

Email: CSS@NIHR.ac.uk

A diverse membership of colleagues from all sectors across the UK is encouraged as are their active contributions to projects, ideas and initiatives, so that the work of the community is widely applicable and has maximum impact. The RPS National Pharmacy Clinical Trials Advisory Group (NPCTAG) has its own members area, and information will be posted in the most appropriate location and cross posted across sites to maximise engagement.