Engaging NHS Managers and Support Staff

Page last updated 12 January 2024

Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You

The NHS Trust guide 'Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You' has been published for roll out on the NHS R&D Forum website. Led by the CRNCC Health and Care Engagement team, the guide is a result of a collaboration between NHS R&D Forum, UKRD, NHS England and NIHR Network. The guide is designed to be localised on NHS Trust staff intranets/platforms and following a pilot involving 12 Trusts the materials for doing this are now available to all. The guide is also recognised for its potential contribution to RRG work, supporting the CQC strategy and Well Led Framework, and the NHS Long Term Plan.

It is useful to be aware of it at least but it may be useful to you in interactions with different non research staff as the guide addresses each of the following categories of staff:

Experience shows that it is important to demonstrate how research adds value. There are perceptions that research costs more and is a burden to care whereas we know this is incorrect.

Click the button below to access a brief introduction to the guide, which may be useful for sending on to others.