Best Patient Care, Clinical Research & You: Guide

Page last updated 12 January 2024

This online guide is for all  NHS Trust staff. It is designed for NHS Trusts to host on their staff intranets or sites.

Content and guidance were produced through a collaboration of organisations involved in delivering research in the NHS: 

The guide supports the CQC's strategy and Well Led Inspection Framework, the NHS Long Term Plan and the recent DHSC strategy 'Saving and Improving Lives: The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery'.

    "Everyone providing or supporting care in the NHS uses research, but not everyone is necessarily aware of this on a day to day basis." 

The guide is designed to be localised, following a set of key principles for Trusts:

The toolkit to set up the guide, which includes content and navigation proformas, links to a mock up site, an SOP and top tips, was published on the NHS R&D Forum website in July 2021 with the support of the collaboration.

The guide addresses staff in a wide range of categories typical of an NHS Trust:

This means that busy Trust staff can quickly click onto their category and find out in just a few words how their role can impact on research. If they want to know more there are links to more information.