Project 13.3 


Engaging with stakeholders and strategy development 

Project Summary


The main focus of this project is to understand our stakeholders needs and ambitions in delivering commercial research. This will form the basis of the Industry Strategy which will be aligned with the Life Sciences Industrial Strategy setting out the vision of what the Commercial Portfolio should look like over the next few years. Underpinning this will be an internal review of the structure of support provided by the Clinical Research Network (CRN) relating to all aspects such as business development, governance and performance to support the growth of the portfolio. 

Project Brief


Click here to access a project brief for this project which provides an overall summary of the project.  

Project Action Plan


Click here to access an action plan for this project which details the objectives of the project and the action to be taken to achieve these. 

Project Lead


Raj Kooner

Industry Operations Manager

Clinical Research Network West Midlands


Having been involved in commercial research for a number of years now I have seen the landscape shift and change with changing clinical priorities for our population, advances in technology and wider engagement of the healthcare sector in commercial research. As we enter yet another phase of change post pandemic we need to reinvigorate our commercial portfolio by bringing in new trials and remaining competitive in delivering these trials in order to provide our patients with the best access to research.