ODP Terms & Conditions



In agreeing to this declaration of use, you are undertaking to ensure the protection and security of all Data accessed by you in the ODP and to process this Data in accordance with the following conditions:

(a​) Data contained within the Open Data Platform (ODP) is UNPUBLISHED and can be used for internal management information only, to support day operations and decision making;

(b​) Data can be used in relation to research related activities only. Research related activities are defined as activities along the research delivery pathway conducted in relation to, but not limited to, the research idea; study development;study planning, monitoring and performance managing; study set-up and start-up; study recruitment and follow-up; and/or study closure;

(c​) Maintain the integrity of the Data. Where Data is fundamentally amended or changed in any way, ODP must no longer be referenced as the source in wider materials;

(d​) Safeguard the Data from unauthorised and unlawful disclosure. Individual access must be appropriately restricted, unique login credentials must not be shared or transferred to any other individual;

(e​) Use and/or present the data with full understanding of its limitations, ensuring wider audiences are aware of ODP as the source reference as well as its terms of its use

(f​) Retain Data only for so long as is necessary in order to complete specific research related activities and securely destroy it when no longer required;

(g​) To immediately notify the CRN using ODP@nihr.ac.uk where any individual raises concerns with regard to your use of the Data, or where you have concerns regarding other individuals use of the Data

(h​) ODP Data MAY be used to; analyse and/or identify current and/or historical trends / make assumptions regarding future trends; use it in metrics, indicators and management dashboards/reports; use it to inform decisions and arising actions; bring it to the attention of other managers where access has also been granted

(i​) ODP Data MUST NOT be systematically downloaded and/or archived or circulated beyond individuals to whom access has been granted

(j​) Individuals wishing to re-use any Data from ODP for any other purpose i.e. referencing ODP data in materials to be published and/or be made publically available, must request permission using ODP@nihr.ac.uk. It is the decision of the NIHR CRN as to whether to allow such re-use

(k​) Upon any breach of the above conditions for reasons not attributable to the default of the CRN, you and/or your employing organisation shall

(i) indemnify CRN against all reasonable liabilities, costs and expenses that may arise and (ii) the CRN may immediately terminate your User account without giving notice.