Other CMHF Resources

CMHF Policy Document

This policy document from NHS England sets out the Community Mental Health Framework proposal for the transformation of community services.

The Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults [pdf]

PARTNERS Research Programme

Resources from other organisations

The Kings Fund

The Kings Fund carried out an evaluation of the Early Implementer sites of the Community Mental Health Transformation in 2021.  This is published on the NHS Futures collaboration Platform, which you will need to sign up to to access:

The King's Fund Report - May 2021 - NHS England National Adult and Older Adult Mental Health Programme


Rethink is interested in supporting the Community Transformation work currently happening in England. Their campaigns page introduces a number of reports sharing some of the observations they have made during their work in the community transformation space:

Rethink - Community Mental Health Unit

The two reports below outline the thinking around the community approach to mental health and potential opportunities that communities bring and discuss the steps that can be taken to help build this new way of working:

Communities that care

This report "argues that when we support people as a ‘whole’, we give them the opportunity to thrive, not just survive."

Thinking Differently [pdf]

The Thinking differently reports are particularly useful for commissioners and integrated care systems to think about how to commission effective provision and the second report below builds on this work.

Building community into the integrated care system [pdf]

Individual system evaluations 

These links are for evaluations which have taken place during the implementation of the community mental health framework. 


Evaluation of the Sheffield Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation Programme [pdf]

Cambridge and Peterborough 

Evaluation of the Primary Care Service for Mental Health (PRISM)