The  basil Team

If you would like to get in touch with the BASIL team, you can find our details here.

Professor David Ekers: Chief Investigator

Clinical Director for Research and Development, Honorary Visiting Professor, Nurse Consultant, and Mental Health Speciality Lead for Clinical Research Network North East North Cumbria.

Twitter: @DavidEkers

Professor Simon Gilbody: Chief Investigator

Director of the Mental Health and Addictions Research Group, Hull York Medical School 

Twitter: @SimonGilbody

Dr Liz Littlewood: BASIL Programme Manager 

BASIL Trial Manager

Research Fellow, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Liz is an experienced health services researcher with an interest in the development and evaluation of psychological interventions for common mental health problems. She has managed several large scale NIHR funded studies. 

Professor Carolyn Chew-Graham:

Professor of General Practice Research, School of Primary, Community and Social Care, Keele University

GP Principal, The Chorlton Family Practice, Manchester

Carolyn is an academic GP with experience in qualitative research methods and process evaluation of mental health interventions in primary care.

Twitter: @CizCG 

Professor Dean McMillan: 

Professor of Clinical Psychology, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences and Hull York Medical School, University of York.

Dean is a Clinical Psychologist with specialist training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and is an experienced health services researcher. 

Dr Liz Newbronner:

Research Fellow, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York.

Liz is an experienced health services researcher with an interest in qualitative research methods. She co-lead the process evaluation within BASIL.

Della Bailey:

Research Fellow, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Della is a clinician and researcher with considerable experience of training and supporting people to deliver psychological interventions in clinical trials. She supervised the support workers in the BASIL study.

Suzanne Crosland:

Research Fellow, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Suzanne is a qualified mental health nurse with training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. She is an experienced health services researcher who will be supervised support workers in the BASIL study.

Lauren Burke:

Trial Coordinator

York Trials Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York


Rebecca WoodHouse:

Trial Coordinator

Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York 

Eloise Ryde:

Research Assistant

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) and Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York 

Twitter: @Eloise_Ryde 

Kelly hollingsworth:

Research Assistant 

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) 

Lucy Atha:

Trial Support Officer

York Trials Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Mirza Fazlic:

BASIL Administrator

York Trials Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Annemarie McIntyre:

BASIL Administrator

Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Dr Gemma Traviss-Turner:

Lecturer in Primary Care, University of Leeds

Gemma is a lecturer in primary care with experience in randomised controlled trials of psychological interventions for older adults.

Leanne Shearsmith

Research Assistant

Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds 

Twitter: @LShears_ 

Professor Catherine Hewitt:

Co-Director, York Trials Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Catherine is an experienced health research statistician. 

Dr Peter Coventry: 

Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Peter is an expert in collaborative care and multi-morbidity. He is an experienced health care researcher and implementation scientist.

Twitter: @Peteyc73 

Professor Karina Lovell: 

Professor of Mental Health, Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work, University of Manchester

Karina is an NIHR Senior Investigator with extensive experience in research into psychological interventions in healthcare and is an expert in effective PPI. 

Kate Bosanquet: 

Research Fellow, Mental Health and Addiction Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Kate is an expert in collaborative care research for older adults. 

Dr Sarah Dexter Smith: 

Director of Therapies, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV)

Sarah is a consultant clinical psychologist specialising in work with older people. As Director of Therapies she is responsible for the Allied Health professions, Psychology Professions, Chaplaincy and Social Work in TEWV. She is also the organisation’s lead coach.

Professor Andrew Hill: 

Professor of Medical Psychology, University of Leeds

Andrew is a health psychologist and experienced health care researcher.

Professor Andrew Clegg: 

Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Academic Unit of Elderly Care and Rehabilitation, University of Leeds

Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Andrew is a consultant geriatrician and researcher and is an expert in frailty in older adults. 

Tom Gentry:

Head of Health Influencing, Age UK

Tom has experience in engagement with the public and health care sector.