basil Media


Our X (Twitter) page is a great place to find out the latest information as it happens. We aim to share information and updates on how BASIL is progressing, and aim to share interesting and related content such as articles and papers.



Our YouTube account is where you can find all the videos that have been uploaded to our various platforms such as this website or the X (Twitter) page.

Articles and other press

Please click on the image on the left to read an article about Behavioural Activation.

"Behavioural activation therapy works by breaking the cycle between inactivity and low mood" - a great article about the intervention we're using in the BASIL study with contributions from our team member, Clinical Psychologist and Professor Dean McMillan.

Please click on the image on the right to read an article by the Yorkshire Evening Post about BASIL.

"This is an exciting opportunity to work with our colleagues at the Universities of York, Keele, Manchester, Age UK and Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust to apply our long-established expertise in addressing the mental health of older adults, to tackle an urgent public health issue. Covid-19 and enforced lock-down poses new demands on people’s mental, physical and social wellbeing."
Dr Gemma Traviss-Turner, lecturer in primary care at the University of Leeds