
Updates to student rosters or accommodations cannot be made in TIDE. For all ILEARN assessments, IDOE will report students eligible to participate in the assessment and special education testing accommodations from the Indiana IEP and IILP. Corporations and schools will report only students with testing accommodations formally documented in a Section 504 Plan, ILP (English Learners), or Service Plan (Non-Public/Choice Schools). Updates to student information will update in TIDE within 24 hours.


ILEARN Crosswalk - Grewe summary of just ILEARN (easier to print)

ILEARN Accommodations - Grewe notes


Hundreds Chart (grades 3 to 8 w/plan only)

Multiplication Table 9 X 9 (grades 6 to 8 w/plan only)

Sample Graph Paper (available for all students)

Previous Information