Secondary News

22 January 2021

From our Head of Secondary

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome to Term 3 and Semester 2. It was lovely to see our learners return refreshed after the break. It has been an action packed two weeks so far with the launch of the 7th Nexus Beats, trial examinations for Year 11 and Year 13, Year 12 challenging themselves as they explore possible opportunities through Creativity, Activity and Service or CAS as it is known in the IB Diploma and Year 9 learners learning more about their IGCSE options. Thank you to all the Year 9 families who joined the Options Talk last week and then the Parents Evening this week. Our teachers really appreciated the opportunity to share with you. With so many experienced and dedicated staff at Nexus, your child is truly well supported both academically and pastorally.

It has been fantastic to see learners using the subject specific areas for learning even though the social distancing and group restrictions are still in place. We had hoped that Phase 3 of the Covid-19 restrictions would allow us to do more but unfortunately we are still limited in what we can offer. I do hope we will be able to have you all back on campus before too long.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new families and share some reminders. There is a lot to take in when you are new and it has been wonderful to see how many of our learners stepped up to the role of buddy and spent time helping with induction for these new learners. Please continue to use Teamie (The Hub) to check on home learning. We use the Parent Portal in Engage to log incidents and achievements, share reports and book parents evening appointments. You can find plenty of details about our curriculum by going to the Downloads section on the Parent Zone on the Nexus website. We are currently working on some plans to make information finding easier and should have some exciting developments for August that we will share with you when ready.

Our fortnightly newsletter is an important part of our communication with our whole community. It is where we include information about any upcoming events and post important notices, as well as share stories of learners and their learning. There are a few important announcements included in this week's newsletter. For example, our upcoming Options Evenings and Parents Evenings. We have listened to your feedback and will be trying 8 minute appointments for the exam year Parents Evenings, which should provide a platform to discuss the results of the trial exams and what our learners need to focus on to be successful in their final exams in May and June.

We look forward to connecting with you one way or another this term.

Best wishes,

Dr Heather

Head of Secondary