Recent Events

The Amazing Adventures of SuperStan!

On Thursday 16 November 2017, the fabulous learners from the Primary Drama CCA put on a spectacular musical production: 'The Amazing Adventures of SuperStan'. It was a smashing success! With the deafening applause and cheers, it was evident that all parents and friends in the packed auditorium enjoyed the production greatly. For those of you who missed the outstanding performance, here are a few of the photos capturing the energy of the evening.

Our Primary learners have been spreading Christmas cheer through the Nexus Shoebox Appeal. Over the week, hundreds of snacks, stationery, small toys and gifts have been delivered into the Nexus pod by our enthusiastic Year 4 Nexus Christmas elves. The Year 5 and 6 elves wrapped the mountain of shoe boxes delivered by our wonderful Nexus families. Next week, our younger learners will help to fill the boxes before they are delivered to our Christmas charity, 'Food from the Heart'. A huge thank you to our families for your generosity. The children have enjoyed learning about the joy of giving to others.

Primary Nexus Shoe Box Appeal

Year 3 Mini Exhibition

Last week, Year 3 learners held their Mini-exhibition through which we shared their understanding of how culture is expressed through The Arts. This was a multi-disciplinary unit which brought together learning in PE and Art lessons, as well as in the homeroom. During their mini-exhibition the Year 3s presented dances from Russia, Ireland, China and South Africa. The learners also presented their individual or paired inquiries into an art piece of their choice, focusing on the form of art and explaining the cultural connections displayed in the artefact. We were very proud of how confidently our Year 3 learners presented their understanding to their audience and a very big ‘thank you’ to parents and grandparents who came to support the Year 3 Mini Exhibition.

Year 6 learners visit the Science Centre

Year 6 leaerns had a fantastic day at the Singapore Science Centre last week. Our focus has been how people apply their understanding of forces to invent and create machines. At the Science Centre, learners were able to explore many different ways in which simple machines are used to create more complex machines. They also explored other forms of energy including light and electricity, as well as exploring the virtual world. It was a great way in which to begin our new unit of inquiry. What inventions will they come up with?

Nexus Teachers Networking and Learning

Last weekend, a large number of our Primary Teachers presented and engaged in curriculum dialogue with educators from schools in South East Asia as part of the IBO PYP Network. These frequent networking opportunities transcend the competition between Singapore schools and allow Nexus teachers to share their Best Practise.

Nursery and Kindergarten Stay and Play

On Monday, the Nursery and Kindergarten learners welcomed their families to join them for our second 'Stay and Play' of the year. Once again, it was a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their learning and their favourite areas of their learning environments. There was an excited, happy buzz in A1 Pod and it was evident that the time was enjoyed by both parents and children. There will be a further opportunity to join us on Thursday, 7 December, from 8.30-10.00am, for our Christmas Marketplace morning. In the meantime, we welcome parents to join us for reading, baking and craft-making. Please speak to your child's homeroom teacher if you are interested.

On Thursday morning, the Kindergarten learners visited the Singapore Repertory Theatre to see a musical version of the story 'Chicken Little'. The children were transfixed by the superb performance and fabulous costumes and there were many laugh out loud moments.

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