
Updated Specialist Reports

As we begin a new academic year we have had a number of parents whose children have specialist professional reports (such as Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists) asking about the need for these to be updated. If your child has had a report updated or you are unsure if the school has a copy can you please contact the Learning Support Department directly (details below) or send a copy to your child's homeroom teacher who will pass it onto Learning Support.

Matthew Isles

Learning Support Leader

Lockdown and Fire Drills

For the safety of learners, staff, parents and visitors we rehearse Lockdown and Fire Drills every term. May we politely remind all parents and guardians that if you are on site when the alarms sound please follow the instructions given to you by staff or on the notices displayed around the school. The evacuation point for the Fire Drill is the front field between the swimming pool and the main school entrance.

Mark Preece

Operations Manager