Important Notices

Last Day of Term

The last day of term is Friday, 18 December. School closes at noon.

Leaving campus at the end of the day

Our thanks for your continued support as we all do what we can under the social distancing guidelines. As a school, we have a number of government advisory bodies overseeing our approach to keep everyone safe and we appreciate your understanding.

In particular, please may we remind all families to leave campus immediately after collecting your child. Please pass on this message to our helpers or any other adults that may collect your child from school.

Unlike many schools, we are lucky to have these small parts of our campus open to the community to make picking up and dropping off children easier. Please make sure we can keep this in place and do not socialise in the Eco Cafe, by the Play Equipment or the Grand Staircase.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Christmas and Birthday Celebrations

We enjoy celebrations at school. Many families like to bring in gifts or a sweet treat for the learners in the class. Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions placed on us, we cannot allow families to bring in gifts or treats to share. This includes children's birthday cakes, leaving gifts and Christmas cards and gifts.

As an alternative, families can purchase cupcakes from Victus, our in-school catering team. These are made on-site following the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) standards and delivered directly to class. If you would like to consider this option, please contact the Victus team. Their details are on the Parent Zone of our website.

We do know that card and gift exchanges are a part of the exciting build up to Christmas. In place of this, we strongly encourage our families to get involved in our alternative activities, such as the NCG Advent Calendar and our 'Nexus Everyone Can Sing' (see the 'Arts' section for details).

Protection against Mosquitoes

As families that have lived in Sinagpore for a while will know, this current wet season is the time when mosquito breeding is at it's height. At Nexus we oil our drainage systems with larvicide and ‘fog’ all of the outdoor areas twice a week to limit any clusters of mosquitoes. The drains are monitored and cleared and jet cleaned at the weekend.

However, we are situated near a number of large open brownfield sites that can be sources of standing water and therefore prone to mosquitoes. We strongly encourage all learners to apply mosquito repellent or patches before coming to school each day. Children may also like to consider wearing the Nexus Hoodie on arrival and departure from school so that their arms are covered.

In your homes, please also heed government advice and regularly carry out the 'Mozzie Wipeout'. You can also check the NEA website (click here) for dengue clusters and more information and advice.