Primary News

4 December 2020

From our Head of Primary

Dear Parents and Guardians.

This week we have invited two very special visitors into our school through online views into the learning hubs and meetings with staff, students and families. These visitors were Martin Kneath (School Support and Evaluation Officer for CIS) and Alana Steward (International Consultant for WASC) online with us. The Council for International Schools (CIS) and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) set out rigorous global international standards that we as a community evidence and aim to meet.

To make things as authentic as possible we have invited them to join us online for lessons, lunchtimes, arrival and departure and even our fire drill! This has enabled our visitors to get a sense of all aspects of life at Nexus. The evaluators will be reporting back to us in the new year, identifying where we are in terms of the standards and help us to become even better. This is just the start of a reflection process that will last over a year.

One of the most important PYP Learner Profiles attributes we aim to instil in our young learners is reflection. This is such an important skill. Being able to consider where you at are in your journey, gathering feedback and planning your next steps are vital for self-improvement, whether you are a CEO of a MNC or a 3 year old tackling the challenge of writing her name or an awesome school such as Nexus that is always striving to improve.

Another element of the PYP that we are particularly proud of at Nexus, is learner-led action. In assembly last week we thanked Hasita, Charlotte and Caitlin for encouraging us all to raise $850 to support our migrant workers. The girls also shared a video interview with Nicolette, from the CoVid Migrant Support Coalition about how the money we raised will be spent. We also unveiled the finalists for the Bug Busting logo and poster competition. See the 'Recent Events' section to see the winning designs. Over the last two weeks, girls in Years 5 and 6 have helped Mr Graeme Massey (Years 7 to 9 Phase Leader) with our Movember campaign to raise money for men's health. Thank you all for giving so generously as the girls shook their buckets before school each day. In total, the Nexus staff, learners and parents raised a massive $6, 048! Thank you.

At this time of year we very much enjoy joining our Christian families to celebrate Christmas and our Jewish families as they celebrate Hanukkah. In non-Covid times, families bring in gifts or a sweet treat to share with learners in the class. Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions placed on us, we cannot allow families to bring in gifts, greetings cards or treats to share. We do know that card and gift exchanges are a part of these celebrations, so our staff and the NCG have worked hard to come up with alternative ways to build up the excitement. We encourage all our families to get involved in our alternative activities. This weekend you can open the NCG Advent Calendar (click here or click the banner above) each day and have a go at the family activity and over the weekend, please record your 'Nexus Everyone Can Sing' video and audio (see the 'Arts' section for details).

May I wish our Jewish families Chag Urim Sameach - blessings be with you as you start your celebrations next Thursday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Best regards

Paul Beach

Head of Primary