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Follow on from Welcome Evening

Thank you to all the families who joined us for our virtual Welcome Evening last week. A few families submitted questions which we have attempted to answer here, in case it is useful to others.

  • What is best way to make contact with teachers?

The best way is with an email, we will always endeavour to reply with 1 working day.

  • Wanting to know when parents can come on campus?

So do we! We have to adhere to CPE (Committee for Private Education) guidelines and currently they don't allow us to bring parents onto campus. As soon as we are allowed we will let you know!

  • Will you be sending reading books home?

Yes, for Years 1 - 6 the reading books will have been sent home at the end of last week. If you haven't received any please don't hesitate to contact your child's homeroom teacher.

  • Our children were grouped in a pair for the first 2 weeks, then a group of 4 for the 3rd. Is this only because of regulations or is this a method to get to know new friends so 1 child does not get left out?

The safe management measures we had to comply with when we first came back to campus required our learners to be in groups of no more than 2. Our current safe management measures mean that learners can be in groups of up to 5 during inside homeroom activities. When playing outside during break or lunch they are allowed to play in their class groups.

  • This year I’m happy to receive informative descriptions and pictures of children and learning. I was wondering if they were taken or posted by the homeroom teacher or the assistant teacher.

Both, and the learners too. As you are probably already aware the best 'window' into the classroom is via the SeeSaw App. This is the regular ongoing communication method we use to share news and home learning from Primary School. If you need some help to set up the app, please email our IT team.

  • How can we know the 'Unit of Inquiry' for a given week?

This is the same as the answer above. Unit of Inquiry information will be shared via Seesaw.

  • If swimming is cancelled because the weather, will there be ‘catch-up’ lessons later on in the term? In Yr 5 they missed a lot of swimming lessons because of the weather, thank you

When swimming is cancelled because of inclement weather the learners still have land based training. We are unable to schedule catch-up swimming lessons in the water as the pool space is tightly timetabled.

  • How does lunch normally works? Does anyone join the kids? Is there any restriction for sharing table?

At lunch, learners are taken to their cafeteria in class groups and duty teachers ensure they are safe while they eat. As masks are removed all leaners have to sit 1m apart while eating. For the second part of lunch, duty teachers meet the class in the cafeteria, take them to their play zone and remain with them while they play.

If you need any further clarification, please contact either your child's homeroom teacher or learner services at