IBDP Years 12 & 13

IB Subject Brief AA.pdf
IB Subject Brief AI.pdf

CAS Opportunities

This year we hope to offer even more opportunities for you and for our younger learners.

IGCSE Preparation

Having recently completed your own IGCSE exams, Y12&13 learners are in the perfect position to guide and support Y11 learners. We hope to offer one-to-one support up to perhaps groups of 3 or 4 Y11 learners.

Competition Club

This is a club for learners in Y7-9 who love puzzles and maths competitions.  We hope it can be led by learners in Y12 and Y13 who share similar passions.

Numeracy Support

Help learners in Y7 or Y8 who have difficulty and lack confidence with numbers. It will not involve speed or memorising multiplication tables. Instead you can teach younger learners strategies for mental calculations or calculations on paper. Games and resources will be provided.


Many of our learners in years 7-11 need your help to learn mathematical vocabulary and symbols. Perhaps you know a lot of vocabulary in English and another language already. Perhaps you have great ideas for apps or other resources that help learners develop vocabulary.

Please contact Mr Cairns (cairns.j@nexus.edu.sg), if you would like to help with any of these suggestions or you have a mathematical suggestion of your own.