
Math Circles activities help learners use and develop techniques that can be useful for solving problems such as those found in competitions. Math Circles are organised by the University of Waterloo, Canada

The University of Waterloo has a number of problems designed for young learners. These real-world problems require deep mathematical thinking.

Mathigon is an outstanding mathematics website with many different and helpful sections, including sequences, fractals and graph theory.

Best-selling maths author Dr Simon Singh, MBE, is on a mission to increase the number and diversity of excellent mathematicians.

Every Thursday at 3pm, you will have access to a new set of online mathematical challenges – each set of challenges is called a Parallelogram.

Maths Competitions & Competition Club

The Centre for Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC), University of Waterloo, Canada organises several contests throughout the academic year. The Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests (CSMC and CIMC) are two contests designed to give learners the opportunity to have fun, to develop their mathematical problem-solving ability, and to apply their understanding of mathematics beyond the classroom, in unfamiliar and challenging contexts.

There are several competitions designed for mathematicians of different ages. Each contest is named after a famous mathematician. Every year, for example, we enter all learners in years 8 and 9 for the Gauss contest. We will be happy to enter learners for other contests on an individual basis.

The United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT) also organises several challenges throughout the academic year. Every year, for example, we enter all learners in years 7 and 8 for the Junior Mathematical Challenge (JMC).

These challenges encourage mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. They are designed to make learners think. Most are accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience.

Each week throughout the year, learners have the opportunity to practise and prepare for these competitions and more in our Competition Club. Learners can sign up for this club through the school's ECA/CCA system, so please watch out for this fantastic opportunity!

Please contact Mr Cairns by email (cairns.j@nexus.edu) or in person, if you would like to try any of these competitions, or if you see a different one that you would like to try.

World Mathematics Championships, Singapore, March 2024

We are delighted to announce Nexus will again be participating in the World Mathematics Championships at UWCSEA East Campus in November. There are 2 competitions taking place:

These events are a relaunch of the South East Asian Mathematics Competition (SEAMC), with some new updates. The goal is to create an annual platform for learners in Singapore to demonstrate their mathematical abilities and represent our school. Similar events are also being hosted in Beijing, Bangkok and Hong Kong this autumn.

You can find more information here. (Please do not click “Join”)

The cost will be $120 per learner, so make sure you have your parents' permission.

Nexus has already signed up, but we need to know who wants to go!

Please let Mr Cairns or your own maths teacher know if you are interested (cairns.j@nexus.edu.sg).

We can only take 9 learners to each event, so we will have tryouts next Monday (15.1.24) at 3.30 pm in Mr Cairns’s classroom


On Saturday March 2, there will be three online rounds. The remaining rounds will take place at UWCSEA East Campus on Saturday March 16. The activities will include both individual and team challenges requiring both quiet concentration, and high energy, as you can tell from this video!

UKMT Intermediate Mathematical Challenge

Do you have a love of problem solving?

The Intermediate Mathematical Challenge (IMC) is a 60-minute, multiple-choice Challenge.

It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems.

The problems on the IMC are designed to make learners think. Most are accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience.

Date: Thursday 1st February 2024, at 3.30pm.

Eligible year groups: Years 11 and below

For past papers, solutions and investigations, please click here.

If you want to take part, please contact Mr Cairns cairns.j@nexus.edu.sg

We have 9 free places left.

Centre for Education in Mathematics & Computing (CEMC) - Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Mathematics Contests

The Pascal, Cayley and Fermat (PCF) Contests are a fun opportunity for participants to explore the potential of mathematics and their role in it. Designed to be accessible both to those that have written maths contests in the past and to those who haven’t, these multiple-choice contests can help learners build confidence and inspire them to get excited about maths.


Learners in Year 10 or below are eligible to write the Pascal Contest.

Learners in Year 11 or below are eligible to write the Cayley Contest.

Learners in Year 12 or below are eligible to write the Fermat Contest.

Date: Thursday 29th February 2024, at 3.30pm.

For more details, past papers & solutions, please click here.

If you want to take part, please contact Mr Cairns cairns.j@nexus.edu.sg or talk to your maths teacher.

Some rather advanced articles regarding mathematical ideas