

Adding by counting on.pdf

Watch the White Rose Home Learning slide then follow the slides attached complete the questions into your Maths books or on the slides.

Discuss what happens to a number when we add to it, will the number get smaller or larger.

Read Write INC

Mr Lisle's group

Speed Sounds

Mr Lisle speed sounds.MOV

Day 3

Day 3 RWI Mr Lisle.pdf

Ask your child to remember the following sentence and to then write it down in their purple books.

I will be so cool in my flat.

Green words

Green words 3.MOV

Miss Eiles' group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 3

A bad fox day 3.pdf

Ask your child to remember the following sentence and to then write it down in their purple books.

The man has got a bag.

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV

Mrs Longstaff's group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 3

My Dog Ned Day 3.pdf

Ask your child to remember the following sentence and to then write it down in their purple books.

He had a bad leg.

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV


During English we have been listening to the story of Flat Stanley. As you know, Stanley visited California in an envelope and his Mum gave him an egg and cress sandwich for the journey. Today we would like you to make your own sandwich - you could even eat it for lunch! What will you need? What will you do first? What filling are you going to have?

Can you draw the steps you took to make your sandwich into your purple book - we will need these next week!


Geography - Where is FStanley.pdf

Use the powerpoint to learn about landmarks all over the world.

Log onto Purple Mash to label the continents.

Complete the world map attached to label where Stanley visited. You could write the continents and the place into your purple book and just use the sheet as a reference.

Geography - Where did Stanley visit.pdf

Doodle Maths

Log onto your Doodle Maths account and complete any extras that have been set or your 5-a-day challenges. Who can collect enough stars to make it into the green zone.

Story Time

FStanley Chapter 5.MOV